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Training Module Updates: What's New?

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This article provides a summary of recent updates to the HRplus Training module, focusing on key enhancements. These updates include new features, fixes and improvements designed to improve both user experience and the effectiveness of the module.

August 16th – September 13th, 2024

  1. Training Staff: New tools for managing and assigning staff to training programs, enhancing training administration.


April 8th – May 4th, 2024

  1. Training Requests: Enhanced workflows for submitting and managing training requests.


March 1st – April 8th, 2024

  1. Training Requests by Gap Analysis: Introduced features for requesting training based on gap analysis to identify skills gaps.

January 3rd – February 6th, 2024

  1. Training Requests by Gap Analysis: Enhanced tools for requesting training based on gap analysis to address specific training needs.

September 1st – October 8th, 2023

  1. Pending Training Requests: Improved workflows for managing pending training requests, course setups, and inviting employees to courses.

September 5th – November 29th, 2021

  1. HRplus-Talent LMS Integration: Introduced integration with Talent LMS to enhance training management and tracking.

November 26th – December 4th, 2020

  1. Training Audit: Added audit features for tracking training progress and compliance with training programs.

September 25th – October 17th, 2020

  1. Training Requests and Reports: Improved reporting tools for tracking training requests and outcomes.

August 22nd – September 4th, 2020

  1. Training Requests: Enhanced features for submitting and tracking employee training requests.

April 7th – April 30th, 2020

  1. Training Program Management: General updates to manage training programs, including course details and employee participation.
Previous Article Audits (Release Notes 17th to 29th October 2020)
Next Article Training - Training Staff (Release Notes 16th Aug to 13th Sep 2024)
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