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Leave - Expiration of Leave Rollover Balance/Return Date Calculation By Pay Type/View Projected Leave Entitlements/Opening Balances/Leave Taken/Restrict Leave Overbooking By (Release Notes 1st September to 8th October 2023)

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The following updates/new features were added to:

  1. Expiration of Leave Rollover Balance.
  2. Return Date Calculation By Pay Type.
  3. View Projected Leave Entitlements.
  4. Opening Balances, Vacation and Other Cumulative Leave Rules, Non-Vacation/Non-Cumulative Leave Rules.
  5. Leave Taken.
  6. Restrict Leave Overbooking By.

1. Expiration of Leave Rollover Balance

A new feature, Expiration of Leave Rollover balance, which resets the Leave Opening Balance after a specified period in days or on a designated date, was added.  A new button, Restore Expired, which allows the Expired Amount to be re-added to the Start Balance and the field Expired Amount were added to the Opening Balances screen.

Step 1:  Enable Feature

System Configurations>>Feature Management>>Expiration of Leave Rollover Balance

Step 2:  Create Leave Expiration Record

Benefits>>Leave>>Leave Setup>>Leave Types>>Leave Types>>[Select Leave Type]>>(+)>>Leave Expiration

  • By default, the Leave Expiration Method is set to Use Expiration Period, where leave will expire after the number of days entered.  If the Use Expiration Date is selected, the leave will expire on the exact date entered.

Step 3:  Restore Expired (optional)

Benefits>>Leave>>Leave Overrides>>Opening Balances>>[Select Record]>>Restore Expired

2. Return Date Calculation By Pay Type

A new feature, Return Date Calculation By Pay Type, was added.  This allows for different leave return date calculation methods to be set for Salaried and Non-Salaried employees for any given Leave Type.

If, however, an employee has been changed from Salaried to Non-Salaried or vice versa, then the Return Date Parameters (Benefits>>Leave>>Leave Setup>>Return Date Parameters) should be used to define the Return Date calculation method for the specific employee and any other employee exceptions.

Step 1:  Enable Feature

System Configurations>>Feature Management>>Return Date Calculation By Pay Type

Step 2:  Create Leave Types

Select Return Date parameters for Salaried and Non-Salaried employees by completing the following fields:

  1. Calculate Return Date Using (Salaried).
  2. Calculate Return Date Using (Non-Salaried).

Benefits>>Leave>>Leave Setup>>Leave Types>>Leave Types

Step 3:  Request Leave/Verify the Return Date

The system will check to determine if the employee is salaried or non-salaried.

Personnel>>Employees>>[Select Employee]>>Payroll Related

Home>>My Benefits>>My Leave

Benefits>>Benefits>>Leave>>Leave Transactions>>Leave Taken

3. View Projected Leave Entitlements

The Cumulative and Non-Cumulative Leave balances are generating correctly when Earned at Rollover is flagged as Yes.

Step 1:  Flag Earned at Rollover

Benefits>>Leave>>Leave Setup>>Leave Types>>Leave Types>>[Select Leave Type]

Step 2:  Recalculate Leave Balances

Benefits>>Leave>>Leave Transactions>>Recalculate Leave Balances

Step 3:  View Projected Leave Entitlements.

Benefits>>Leave>>Leave Transactions>>View Projected Leave Entitlements

4. Opening Balances, Vacation and Other Cumulative Leave Rules, Non-Vacation/Non-Cumulative Leave Rules

The following modifications were made:

  1. Mass Delete was added to Opening Balances, Vacation and Other Cumulative Leave Rules, and Non-Vacation/Non-Cumulative Leave Rules screens.
  2. Import functionality was added to Vacation and Other Cumulative Leave Rules and Non-Vacation/Non-Cumulative Leave Rules screens.
  3. Import screens were added for Vacation/Cumulative Leave Rules Override and Non-Vacation/Non-Cumulative Leave Rules Override (System Configurations>>Company Imports).

Benefits>>Leave>>Leave Overrides>>Opening Balances

Benefits>>Leave>>Leave Overrides>>Vacation and Other Cumulative Leave Rules

Benefits>>Leave>>Leave Overrides>>Non-Vacation/Non-Cumulative Leave Rules

Benefits>>Leave>>Leave Overrides>>Non-Vacation/Non-Cumulative Leave Rules>>[Audit]

5. Leave Taken

The following screens were modified to use Available From Leave Earned rather than Total Balance to determine if Leave will be overbooked:

  1. Home>>My Benefits>>My Leave>>Request Leave.
  2. Benefits>>Leave>>Leave Transactions>>Leave Taken.
  3. Benefits>>Leave>>Leave Transactions>>Self Service Leave Requests.
  4. User Self Service>>Dept Administrators>>Leave>>Leave Taken.
  5. User Self Service>>Dept Administrators >>Leave>>Self Service Leave Requests.
  6. User Self Service>>Dept Administrators >>Leave>>Employee Leave>>Select Employee>>’View’>>Request Leave.
  7. User Self Service>>Timekeeper>>Timesheets>>Current.
  8. User Self Service>>Timekeeper>>Timesheets>>Unapproved After Post.
  9. HRplus Time>>Timesheets>>Timesheets>>Current.
  10. HRplus Time>>Timesheets>>Timesheets>> Unapproved After Post.

Benefits>>Leave>>Leave Transactions>>Leave Taken

6. Restrict Leave Overbooking By

A new feature, Restrict Leave Overbooking By, was added to restrict Leave Request amounts to an employee’s Total Balance.  If disabled, it will be restricted to Available from Leave Earned.

Step 1:  Enable Feature

System Configurations>>Feature Management>>Restrict Leave Overbooking By

Step 2:  Flag Restrict Overbooking

Flag Restrict Overbooking as Yes.

Benefits>>Leave Setup>>Leave Types>>Leave Types

Step 2:  Submit a Leave Request

Submit a Leave Request exceeding the Total Balance.  The system will display a warning message You cannot request more leave than you have available.

Home>>My Benefits>>My Leave>>Request Leave

Previous Article Leave - View Projected Leave Entitlements/Opening Balances/Audit Leave Taken/Leave Taken (Release Notes 8th October to 4th November 2023)
Next Article Leave - Recalculate Leave Taken (Release Notes 15th August to 1st September 2023)
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