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Leave - Opening Balances/Expired Amounts/Include Unapproved Leave Count (Release Notes 4th May to 17 June 2024)

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The following improvements were added to:

  1. Opening Balances/Expired Amounts.
  2. Include Unapproved Leave Count.

1. Opening Balances/Expired Amounts

For leave types with expiry dates/periods, expired leave amounts, based on opening balances and expiry dates/periods, are calculated and displayed.  Leave types with expiry dates/periods allow companies to identify and set up leave types and balances that become invalid after a set time.  The value in the Expired Amount field is the number of days that employees will lose at expiry end in this “use it or lose it” leave scenario.

Step 1:  Set up Opening Balances

Benefits>>Leave>>Leave Overrides>>Opening Balances

Step 2:  Process Leave Records

Process leave records for the leave type as you normally would.

Benefits>>Leave>>Leave Taken

Step 3:  View Expired Amounts

The system will calculate and display the expired amount and (new) starting balance:

  • Expired Amount      = Start Balance  Leave Taken + Leave Booked

                                        13 = 20 - 4 + 3

  • Start Balance (new) = Start Balance (old)  Expired Amount

                                         7 = 20 - 13

  • Restore Expired:  Click this button to restore the Expired Amount i.e. 13 in the example below.  The new value in the Start Balance field will then be 20 (Expired Amount + Start Balance (old)) (13+7 = 20).
  • Update Balance:  Click this button to use the current record values as the starting balance.

Benefits>>Leave>>Leave Overrides>>Opening Balances

2. Include Unapproved Leave Count

A new feature was created to prevent employees from applying for leave if their leave balance has been exceeded.  The system will include the employee’s unapproved leave days in its calculation of the available leave balance.  


Employee David has 10 days available leave balance and applies for 7.  The leave request is unapproved and the employee applies for an additional 6 days, exceeding his leave balance.  This feature will prevent the employee from applying for leave in excess of his/her available leave balance.

Step 1:  Restrict Overbooking

Flag Restrict Overbooking as Yes.

Benefits>>Leave>>Leave Setup>>Leave Types>>Leave Types

Step 2:  Flag Include Unapproved Leave Count

System Configurations>>Feature Management>>Include Unapproved Leave Count

Step 3:  Flag Benefits Module Restrict Leave

System Configurations>>Feature Management>>Benefits Module Restrict Leave

Step 4:  Request Leave (Employee)

An error message, advising that the employee cannot request leave exceeding the number of days he/she has available, will be displayed.

HOME>>My Benefits>>My Leave>>Request Leave

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Next Article Leave - Leave Transactions/Opening Balances Import/Leave Taken/Self Service Leave Requests/HR Workflow Leave Entries (Release Notes 8th April to 4th May 2024)
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