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Payroll - Link Earnings to Companies/Pay Slip/Other Income by Type/Cheques - Option 14/ Maternity Leave Payroll Link/Cycle Pay Register Detail/Group Bank Assignment List by Pay Group/Butterfield ACH/HSBC ACH (Release Notes 8th April to 4th May 2024)

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The following updates/new features were added to:

  1. Link Earnings to Companies.
  2. Bank Information Changes.
  3. Pay Slip Options Self Serve (Hide Earnings).
  4. Other Income by Type.
  5. Employee Cheques - Option 14.
  6. Maternity Leave Payroll Link.
  7. Employees.
  8. Cycle Pay Register Detail.
  9. Group Bank Assignment List by Pay Group.
  10. Option 15  Standard Pay Slip.
  11. Butterfield Bank ACH Download.
  12. HSBC Bank ACH Download.

Import/Download functionality including validation was added.

Payroll>>Maintenance>>Payroll Setup>>Earnings>>Link Earnings to Companies

2. Bank Information Changes

The screen was tested for CRUD (create, read, update, delete), import/export and post functionality.  All functions are working successfully.

Payroll>>Process Payroll>>Employee Transactions>>Bank Information Changes

3. Pay Slip Options Self Serve (Hide Earnings)

The following updates were added:  (1) a Self-Service option, (2) a System Code to hide earnings on the pay slip, and (3) the headings on the pay slip can be changed using the Language Directory.

System Configurations>>System Codes>>HIDEEARNS

  • Value = enter the Earning Code that should be hidden on the pay slip e.g. ST Straight Time.

System Configurations>>Company Parameters>>Pay Slip Options Self Serve

HOME>>My Pay Items>>My Pay Slips>>Self Service Pay Slips

  • The ST Straight Time earning is not displayed on the pay slip.

System Configurations>>Language Directory

4. Other Income by Type

The report was republished and is generating successfully without any errors.

Payroll>>Payroll Reports>>Payroll Reports>>Other Income>>Other Income by Type

5. Employee Cheques - Option 14

A new option, Employee Cheques - Option 14, was added.

Payroll>>Payroll Reports>>Payroll Reports>>Payment Reports>>Employee Cheques - Option 14

Maternity Leave is governed by the law of the land and payment of same may differ in the various countries.  In Trinidad and Tobago, the following applies:

  • The standard period for paid Maternity Leave is fourteen (14) weeks for employees who have worked twelve (12) consecutive months at the company.
  • One (1) month at full pay and two (2) months at half-pay.

The example used below does not reflect the laws of any country.

Benefits>>Leave>>Leave Setup>>Maternity Leave Payroll Link

  • Limit Full Pay ToDays:  the number of days for which Full Pay is applied.  In the example above, the employee will be paid Full Pay for 31 days of Maternity Leave.
  • Apply First Factor of…to…Days:  the factor to be applied to the next grouping of days.  In the example above, the next 45 days of Maternity Leave is paid at a factor of 0.5.
  • Then Apply 2nd Factor of…to…Days:  the factor to be applied to the next grouping of days.  In the example above, the factor is zero (0) and the days to be applied is zero (0).  
  • Then Apply 3rd Factor of…to…Days:  the factor to be applied to the next grouping of days.  In the example above, the factor is zero (0) and the days to be applied is zero (0).  
  • Prorate Using:  check either Calendar Days (every day of the year) or Week Days.  
  • Status:  check Active to effect the rule.

Step 2:  Enter Maternity Leave Taken

The example displays maternity leave records for two (2) employees (red-boxed in the screenshot).  The leave records need not be posted.

Benefits>>Leave>>Leave Transactions>>Leave Taken

Step 3:  Import HR Data

Find the Pay Group, Pay Year and Cycle No.  Click the Import HR Data button to import the HR data (including maternity leave records).

Payroll>>Process Payroll>>Cycle Changes>>[search for Pay Group, Pay Year and Cycle No]

  • The imported data will be displayed (next step).  

Step 4:  Process Payroll

Process payroll as you normally would.

Salaried Employee - Cycle 10

Payroll>>Process Payroll>>Cycle Changes>>[search for Pay Group, Pay Year and Cycle No]

Payroll>>Payroll Reports>>Payroll Reports>>Pay Slips>>[choose Pay Slip option]

Salaried Employee - Cycle 11

Payroll>>Payroll Reports>>Payroll Reports>>Pay Slips>>[choose Pay Slip option]

Non-Salaried Employee  Cycles 18-24

7. Employees

Validation was added to ensure that employees can only view the company/ies and pay group/s to which they are granted access via Company Access and Pay Group Access.


8. Cycle Pay Register Detail

The XLS format was modified to be displayed in column form.

Payroll>>Payroll Reports>>Register Reports>>Cycle Pay Register Detail

9. Group Bank Assignment List by Pay Group

The XLS report was created.

Payroll>>Payroll Reports>>Payee Accounts>>Group Bank Assignment List by Pay Group

10. Option 15 – Standard Pay Slip

Option 15 - Standard Pay Slip was added as a Self-Serve pay slip.

System Configurations>>Company Parameters>>Pay Slip Options Self Serve

HOME>>My Pay Items>>My Pay Slips>>Pay Slips>>[Print Preview]

11. Butterfield Bank ACH Download

ACH functionality was added for Butterfield Bank.

Payroll>>Payroll Reports>>Payment Reports>>Butterfield Bank ACH Download

12. HSBC Bank ACH Download

ACH functionality was added for HSBC Bank.

Payroll>>Maintenance>>Downloads/Uploads>>Bank Download Setup>>[Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Ltd]

Payroll>>Payroll Reports>>Payment Reports>>HSBC Bank Download

Previous Article Payroll - Option 14 - Standard Pay Slip/Royal Bank ACH EzPay/Option 24 - Standard Pay Slip/YTD Pay Register Summary/Separate Net Pay Pay Slip (Half Page Continuous) (Release Notes 4th May to 17 June 2024)
Next Article Payroll - Pay Slips/Cycle Pay Register/Save Statutory Report/Republic Bank EC/First Global Bank Limited ACH Bank Download/Earnings by Employee/N.I.B. Download (Release Notes 1st March to 8th April 2024)
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