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Leave - Expiration of Leave Rollover balance/Return Date Calculation By Pay Type/Hide Self-Service Leave Entitlements (Release Notes 4th November to 12th December 2023)

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The following new features/updates were added to:

  1. Expiration of Leave Rollover balance.
  2. Return Date Calculation By Pay Type.
  3. Hide Self-Service Leave Entitlements.

1. Expiration of Leave Rollover balance

A new feature, Expiration of Leave Rollover balance, which resets the Leave Opening Balance after a specified period in days or on a designated date, was added.  Expired Amount can now be tracked for each Leave Year.

Step 1:  Enable Feature

System Configurations>>Feature Management>>Expiration of Leave Rollover Balance

Step 2:  Create Record

By default, the Leave Expiration Method is set to Use Expiration Period, where leave will expire after the number of days entered.  If Use Expiration Date is selected, the leave will expire on the exact date entered.

Benefits>>Leave>>Leave Setup>>Leave Types>>Leave Types>>[Select Leave Type]>>(+)>>Leave Expiration

Step 3:  View Expired Amount

Benefits>>Leave Overrides>>Opening Balance>>[Select Employee]>>(+)>>[Expired Amount]

2. Return Date Calculation By Pay Type

A new option, Return Date Calculation By Pay Type, was added.  This feature allows different leave return dates calculation methods to be set for salaried and non-salaried employees for any given leave type.  If, however, an employee is changing from salaried to non-salaried, or vice-versa, then the Return Date Parameters (Benefits>>Leave>>Leave Setup>>Return Date Parameters) should be used to define the return date calculation method for the specific employee and any other employee exceptions.  A new field, Calculate Return Date Using (Non-Salaried), specifies how to calculate Return Dates for salaried vs non-salaried employees was added to Leave Types via Benefits>>Leave>>Leave Setup>>Leave Types.

Step 1:  Enable Feature

System Configurations>>Feature Management>>Return Date Calculation by Leave Type

Step 2:  Setup Leave Type

Set up the leave type (or edit an existing leave type).  Define the return date parameters by completing the following fields:

  1. Calculate Return Date Using (Salaried employees).
  2. Calculate Return Date Using (Non-Salaried).

The system will check to determine:

  1. If the employee is salaried or non-salaried via Personnel>>Employees>>[Search for Employee]>>Payroll Related.
  2. The values in the above-named fields to accurately calculate the return date for the specific leave type.

Personnel>>Employees>>[Search for Employee]>>Payroll Related

Benefits>>Leave>>Leave Setup>>Leave Types>>Leave Types

3. Hide Self-Service Leave Entitlements

A new screen, Hide Self-Service Leave Entitlements, that allows users to choose which Leave Entitlements should be hidden from the View Detailed Leave History screen for a particular Company and Leave Year, was added.

Step 1:  Hide Self-Service Leave Entitlements

Benefits>>Leave>>Leave Setup>>Leave Types>>Hide Self-Service Leave Entitlements

Step 2:  View Detailed Leave History

Home>>My Benefits>>My Leave>>Entitlements>>View Detailed Leave History

Previous Article Leave - Workflow/Leave Rollover Balance/Calendar (Release Notes 20th December 2023 to 3rd January 2024)
Next Article Leave - View Projected Leave Entitlements/Opening Balances/Audit Leave Taken/Leave Taken (Release Notes 8th October to 4th November 2023)
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