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Leave - Workflow/Leave Rollover Balance/Calendar (Release Notes 20th December 2023 to 3rd January 2024)

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The following improvements/additions were made:

1.  HR Workflow Approval Override.

2. Expiration of Leave Rollover Balance.

3. Calendar.

1. HR Workflow Approval Override

A new feature, HR Workflow Approval Override, was added, so that workflow leave entries can be overridden by HR if required.

Step 1 - Enable HR Workflow Override

Activate the feature by checking the Enabled box.

System Configurations>>Feature Management>>HR Workflow Approval Override

Step 2 - View Workflow Leave Entries

View the Workflow Leave Entries to determine the Status of each leave record.  You may filter by the various columns as necessary.  Expand the record to view details.

Benefits>>Leave Transactions>>Self Service Leave Requests>>Workflow Leave Entries

Step 3 - Override the HR Workflow Approval

HR has the ability to override a leave record if it has been “stuck” in the workflow or if it has not been escalated.

Benefits>>Leave Transactions>>Self Service Leave Requests>>Workflow Leave Entries

  • Click the Request Progress button to view/edit the record.
  • Make your changes via the Approve/Reject Leave Request section.  Save.  The record will be updated:

2. Expiration of Leave Rollover Balance

The ability to reset the leave opening balance after a specified number of days or on a designated date was added.  This is how it works.

Step 1 - Activate the Feature

Turn on the feature by checking the Enabled box.

System Configurations>>Feature Management>>Expiration of Leave Rollover Balance

Step 2 - Set up the Leave Type

Set up the Leave Type.

Benefits>>Leave>>Leave Setup>> Leave Types

Step 3 - Set the Leave Type Expiration

Benefits>>Leave>> Leave Setup>> Leave Types>> [+]>> Leave Expiration

  • Leave Expiration Method: check EITHER the Use Expiration Period or Use Expiration Date button. If the latter is checked, select the Expiration Month and  Expiration Date. Save.
  • The system will set the Default Amount for the specific leave type to 0 at the end of the expiration period or on the expiration date.


The screen was modified to accurately show employee’s leave on the calendar.

Benefits>> Leave>> Leave Calendar

Previous Article Leave - Return Date Calculation by Pay Type/Leave Transactions/Leave Requests/View Leave Entitlements/Return Date (Release Notes 3rd January to 6th February 2024)
Next Article Leave - Expiration of Leave Rollover balance/Return Date Calculation By Pay Type/Hide Self-Service Leave Entitlements (Release Notes 4th November to 12th December 2023)
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