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Leave (Release Notes 7th July to 2nd August 2020)

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The following features were improved:

1.  Return Date Parameters.

2.  Leave Balances Download.

3.  Leave Overrides.

1.  Return Date Parameters

A new screen, By Calendar Days, was created as an additional option to define how the Leave Return Days should be calculated.  This option allows you to select the Skip Option when using Calendar Days.

Benefits>>Leave>>Leave Setup>>Return Date Parameters>>By Calendar Days

2.  Leave Balances Download

A new button, NGA Download, was added to the grid which allows the grid data to be exported as a .csv file.  The .csv file includes an additional column, Employee Start Date, which is not seen on the grid.  Note that the Download button allows you to export the grid data as an .xls file and the Employee Start Date is not shown in this file.  

Benefits>>Leave>>Reports>>Leave Reports>>Leave Balances Download

3.  Leave Overrides

The Leave Year Start and Leave Year End fields were replaced by the Leave Year field.

Benefits>>Leave>>Leave Overrides>>Vacation and Other Cumulative Leave Rules

Benefits>>Leave>>Leave Overrides>>Non-Vacation/Non-Cumulative Leave Rules

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