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Appraisals - Ratings/Appraisal Options/Appraisal Type Weight/Flagged Ratings/Appraisal Job Group Option/Performance Appraisals (Release Notes 4th November to 12th December 2023)

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The following new feature/modifications were added to:

  1. Ratings/Appraisal Options/Appraisal Type Weight/Flagged Ratings.
  2. Appraisal Job Group Option.
  3. Performance Appraisals.

1. Ratings/Appraisal Options/Appraisal Type Weight/Flagged Ratings

Import/Download functionality including validation was added.

Talent Management>>Appraisals>>Appraisal Setup>>Ratings

Talent Management>>Appraisals>>Appraisal Setup>>Appraisal Options

Talent Management>>Appraisals>>Appraisal Setup>>Appraisal Type Weight

Talent Management>>Appraisals>>Appraisal Setup>>Flagged Ratings

2. Appraisal Job Group Option

A new feature, Appraisal Job Group Option, once enabled, replaces Staff Type with Job Group in the following screens:

  1. Talent Management>>Appraisals>>Appraisal Options
  2. Talent Management>>Appraisal>>Appraisal Type Weight.

The character limit for the Job Family Description field was increased to 60 (sixty) characters.

Step 1:  Enable Feature.

System Configurations>>Feature Management>>Appraisal Job Group Option

Step 2:  Navigate to Appraisal Options.

Select a record, update Job Family and Submit.

Talent Management>>Appraisals>>Appraisal Setup>>Appraisal Options

Step 3:  For Appraisal Type Weight, select your Company, Job Family and enter Weights.

Talent Management>>Appraisals>>Appraisal Setup>>Appraisal Type Weight

Step 4:  Navigate to Appraisal Details.

Talent Management>>HR Events>>Manage Events>>Events>>[Select Record]>>(+)>>Appraisal Details

3. Performance Appraisals

Filters were added.

Talent Management>>Appraisals>>Performance Appraisals

Previous Article Appraisals - Manage Events/Appraisals (Release Notes 20th December 2023 to 3rd January 2024)
Next Article Appraisals - Appraisal Job Group Option and Job Family/General Improvements (Release Notes 1st September to 8th October 2023)
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