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System Configurations - Company Imports (Release Notes 18th May to 2nd June 2023)

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The following modifications were made:

  1. Validation was added to check if the Alternate Rate = Unit Rate, if Yes, then the Alternate Rate is set to 0.0.  Please note that an Alternate Rate CANNOT be the same as the substantive Unit Rate unless a Salary Change or Rate Change is entered.
  2. The Download Template button was added.
  3. The Etime Imports Template.csv template was created.

System Configurations>>Company Imports>>Addons>>ETime Imports:

Posted records are sent to Fixed Data Imports.

Payroll>>Process Payroll>>Import Cycle Changes>>Fixed Data Imports:

Previous Article System Configuration - Update Nationality/Custom Imports/Custom Import Processor/ETime Imports (Release Notes 2nd June to 3rd July 2023)
Next Article System Configurations - Custom Imports (Release Notes 5th May to 18th May 2023)
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