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Payroll - Pay Slips/Republic Bank Download - Other Payees/Other Transfers/Citibank ACH Download/Payroll Variances/Company Totals by Department/Other Benefits Salaries (Release Notes 3rd January to 6th February 2024)

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The following modification were made:

  1. Option 19 - Standard Pay Slip.
  2. Option 6 - Standard Pay Slip (Year to Date).
  3. Republic Bank Download - Other Payees.
  4. Other Transfers.
  5. Citibank ACH Download.
  6. Option 10 - Standard Pay Slip (Send to Employee Email).
  7. Option 6 - NCA Standard Pay Slip (Year to Date).
  8. Payroll Variances - Compares Current and Archive Cycle.
  9. Option 13 - Standard Pay Slip.
  10. Company Totals by Department.
  11. Other Benefits Salaries/Future Cash Salaries.
  12. ACH Setup for HSBC Bank.
  13. Separate Net Pay Pay Slip (Half Page Continuous).
  14. Pay Slip Register.

1. Option 19 - Standard Pay Slip

The option to Show Rates Breakdown was added to the print criteria.

System Configurations>>Company Parameters>>Pay Slip Options Self Serve

HOME>>Intranet>>My Pay Items>>My Pay Slips

2. Option 6 – Standard Pay Slip (Year to Date)

The pay slip was successfully tested for emailing.

Payroll>>Payroll Reports>>Payroll Reports>>Pay Slips>>Option 6  Standard Pay Slip (Year to Date)

3. Republic Bank Download – Other Payees

ACH was created to facilitate credit union and other deductions payments.  

  • Account Number Vendor Id (Payee Id) and Vendor Name (Payee Name) are taken from Payroll>>Maintenance>>Payroll Setup>>Banking and Other Payees>>Payee.
  • ADDENDA are taken from Payroll>>Maintenance>>Downloads/Uploads>>Bank Download Setup>>Republic Bank>>BankFld2.

NOTE:  The Payee Name must be less than or equal to 22 alphanumeric characters.

Payroll>>Payroll Reports>>Payroll Reports>>Payment Reports>>Republic Bank Download  Other Payees

4. Other Transfers

The report was modified so that it can successfully be downloaded in Word format.

Payroll>>Payroll Reports>>Payroll Reports>>Payment Reports>>Other Transfers

5. Citibank ACH Download

The download file was updated to reflect the customer’s requirements.

Payroll>>Payroll Reports>>Payroll Reports>>Payment Reports>>Citibank ACH Download

6. Option 10 – Standard Pay Slip (Send to Employee Email)

Formatting changes were made.

Payroll>>Payroll Reports>>Payroll Reports>>Pay Slips>>Option 10  Standard Pay Slip (Send to Employee Email)

7. Option 6 – NCA Standard Pay Slip (Year to Date)

The heading “Earnings” was renamed to “Non Cash Allowances”.

Payroll>>Payroll Reports>>Pay Slips>>Option 6  NCA Standard Pay Slip

8. Payroll Variances – Compares Current and Archive Cycle

All options of the report - XLS, PDF, WORD  were tested and are generating successfully.

Payroll>>Payroll Reports>>Payroll Reports>>Register Reports>>Payroll Variances  Compares Current and Archive Cycle

9. Option 13 Standard Pay Slip

A new field, Bold Net Pay, was added to the print criteria.  If Yes is checked then the Net Pay will be displayed in bold.

Payroll>>Payroll Reports>>Payroll Reports>>Pay Slips>>Option 13  Standard Pay Slip

10. Company Totals by Department

The report was updated to exclude ex-employees.  The Total # Employees is the same as the value in the Cycle Pay Register.

Payroll>>Payroll Reports>>Payroll Reports>>Register Reports>>Company Totals by Department

11. Other Benefits Salaries/Future Cash Salaries

Validation including validation error messages were added to the imports as the following example shows:

Benefits>>Benefits>>Benefits Setup>>Register Reports>>Other Benefits Salaries

Benefits>>Benefits>>Benefits Setup>>Register Reports>>Future Cash Salaries

12. ACH Setup for HSBC Bank

ACH Setup was added for HSBC Bank.

Payroll>>Maintenance>>Downloads/Uploads>>Bank Download Setup

Payroll>>Maintenance>>Downloads/Uploads>>HSBC Download Setup

Payroll>>Payroll Reports>>Payroll Reports>>Payment Reports>>HSBC Bank Download

13. Separate Net Pay Pay Slip (Half Page Continuous)

The employee’s job was added to the pay slip.

Payroll>>Payroll Reports>>Payroll Reports>>Register Reports>>Pay Slips>>Separate Net Pay Pay Slip (Half Page Continuous)

14. Pay Slip Register

All three (3) options  PDF, XLS, WORD  for all Archived and Unarchived reports - are generating successfully as shown in the example below.

Payroll>>Payroll Reports>>Payroll Reports>>Register Reports>>Pay Slips>>Pay Slip Register

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