Help SiteRelease NotesRelease Notes By ModuleHRplus Time - Release NotesHRplus Time - Auto Post Attendance Logs/Data Export Config (Release Notes 20th December 2023 to 3rd January 2024)

HRplus Time - Auto Post Attendance Logs/Data Export Config (Release Notes 20th December 2023 to 3rd January 2024)

Modifications were made to the following:

1. Auto Post Attendance Logs.

2. Data Export Config.

1. Auto Post Attendance Logs

When the Auto Post Attendance Logs is activated and a schedule’s last posted date is behind the respective company’s default schedule’s last posted date; then its Last Posted Date will be updated to the company’s default schedule.  


The Timekeeper proceeds on vacation from 2nd to 9th for 7 days and removes all employees from the schedule for said 7 days.  

  • The schedule will not be posted for those 7 days as there is nothing to post.  The last posted date is the 1st.
  • The Timekeeper returns from vacation on the 9th and adds back the employees to the schedule.  However, the last posted date is still the 1st and the last posted date of the default schedule is the 8th.  The system will update the last posted date to the 8th to match the last posted of the default schedule before posting the attendance logs for the schedule.

System Configurations>>Feature Management>> Auto Post Attendance Logs

2. Data Export Config

A new data export, that contains archived timesheet data for the last three (3) pay cycles, was added.

System Configurations>>Data Export Config


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