Help SiteRelease NotesRelease Notes By ModulePersonnel - Release NotesPersonnel - Auto Position Number Configuration/Employees (Release Notes 18th May to 2nd June 2023)

Personnel - Auto Position Number Configuration/Employees (Release Notes 18th May to 2nd June 2023)

Improvements were made to:

1.  Auto Position Number Configuration.

2. Employees.

1. Auto Position Number Configuration

  1. Enabled = Yes:  the last position number is incremented and displayed as the newly-created position number regardless of company.
  2. Enabled = No:  the last position number is incremented and displayed as the newly-created position number of the particular company.

In both instances, the pattern of the Position Number is maintained e.g. WRT2, WRT3, WRT4 or 0015, 0016, 0017.

This feature also works in conjunction with the Auto Generate Position Number and the Position Number [format] shown in Screenshot 2.

System Configurations>>Feature Management>>Auto Position Number Configuration:

2. Employees

The Job Name description field was increased from thirty (30) to sixty (60) alphanumeric characters.

Personnel>>Employees>>Employees HR View>>[Company and Status Info]:


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