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Payroll - Option 2 Standard Pay Slip (Send to Employee Email) (Translation to French) (Release Notes 27th June to 5th August)

Clipping, alignment and overlapping text issues, that occur when the report is translated to another language, were fixed.  The translations must be entered in the Language Directory before it can be generated and viewed in the translated language.  All languages are supported.

Step 1:  Determine the Fields to be Translated

Determine the fields on the pay slip that should be translated - in this case, the language is French.  The fields to be translated are highlighted.  There are a total of thirty-seven (37) fields that can be translated on the pay slip.

Payroll>>Payroll Reports>>Payroll Reports>>Pay Slips>>Option 2 - Standard Pay Slip (Send to Employee Email)

Step 2:  Enter the Translations for the Field Names

Enter the translation for each field:

  1. Click the Edit Translations tab.
  2. Enter the name of the field you wish to translate in the Label Key field.  Click the Search button to view the results.  If no results are returned, click the Add New Record button (Screenshot 1).  Enter the field name and click the to save (Screenshot 2).  Repeat if required:

System Configurations>>System Configurations>>Language Directory

Once the record is saved, the Language and Data field names will be displayed on the right-side of the screen (Screenshot 3).  Use to edit, add or delete records.  Enter the translation in the Data field and the corresponding Language.  Save when data entry is completed.  Repeat for each field name that require translating:


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