Help SiteRelease NotesRelease Notes By ModulePersonnel - Release NotesPersonnel - Payroll Smart Entries/Deductions/Audit Reporting Relationships/Import New Structure/Generate Letters/Job Grade/Position Re-Organisation/Edit Position Supervisor/Countries (Release Notes 12th July to 16 Aug 2024)

Personnel - Payroll Smart Entries/Deductions/Audit Reporting Relationships/Import New Structure/Generate Letters/Job Grade/Position Re-Organisation/Edit Position Supervisor/Countries (Release Notes 12th July to 16 Aug 2024)

New Features

1. Payroll Smart Entries

The Payroll Smart Entries screen was added to enable the entry of cycle changes in batches.  

Note:  HR Payroll Users permission is required.

Security>>User administration>>[Select User]>>[+]>>Edit User Groups>>HR Payroll Users

Payroll>>Process Payroll>>Payroll Smart Entries

Personnel>>Personnel>>Transactions>>Payroll Smart Entries

2. Deductions

The ability to enter Bank and Account Number cycle changes was added.

Personnel>>Personnel>>Transactions>>Payroll Smart Entries>>Deductions


3. Audit Reporting Relationships

Export Data to Excel functionality was added.

Personnel>>Personnel>>Positions>>All Positions (Filled and Vacant)>>[Select Position]>>[Edit Position Supervisor]>>[Audit]>>Export Data in Grid to Excel

4. Import New Structure

Data validation was added.

Personnel>>Personnel>>Positions>>Positions Re-Organisation>>Import New Structure

5. Generate Letters

A new filter, Employee Status, was added.

Benefits>>Leave>>Generate Letters

Personnel>>Personnel>>Generate Letters

6. Job Grade

The filter, Job Grade Description, was tested and displays correctly.

Personnel>>Setup>>Organisation>>Structure>>Jobs>>[Select Job]>>[+]>>Company Jobs>>Company-Job Link>>Job Description

7. Position Re-Organisation

A Transaction Reason drop-down list was added to filter by Position Changes.

Personnel>>Personnel>>Positions>>Positions Re-Organisation

8. Edit Position Supervisor

Validation and error handling were improved when inserting/updating Position Supervisors.

Personnel>>Personnel>>Positions>>All Positions (Filled and Vacant)>>Edit Position Supervisor

9. Countries

A new dropdown field, Country Used For, was added whereby countries can be linked to either

  • Employee  the country will only be displayed in employee address (Personnel>>Employees>>Address and Contact Info>>[Country]).
  • Company - the country will only be displayed in company address (Personnel>>Setup>>Organisation>>Structure>>Companies>>[Country]).
  • Both - the country will be displayed in both of the above.



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