New Features
1. Payroll Smart Entries
The Payroll Smart Entries screen was added to enable the entry of cycle changes in batches.
Note: HR Payroll Users permission is required.
Security>>User administration>>[Select User]>>[+]>>Edit User Groups>>HR Payroll Users
Payroll>>Process Payroll>>Payroll Smart Entries
Personnel>>Personnel>>Transactions>>Payroll Smart Entries
1. Audit Reporting Relationships
Export Data to Excel functionality was added.
Personnel>>Personnel>>Positions>>All Positions (Filled and Vacant)>>[Select Position]>>[Edit Position Supervisor]>>[Audit]>>Export Data in Grid to Excel
2. Import New Structure
Data validation was added.
Personnel>>Personnel>>Positions>>Positions Re-Organisation>>Import New Structure
3. Generate Letters
A new filter, Employee Status, was added.
Benefits>>Leave>>Generate Letters
Personnel>>Personnel>>Generate Letters
4. Job Grade
The filter, Job Grade Description, was tested and displays correctly.
Personnel>>Setup>>Organisation>>Structure>>Jobs>>[Select Job]>>[+]>>Company Jobs>>Company-Job Link>>Job Description
5. Position Re-Organisation
A Transaction Reason drop-down list was added to filter by Position Changes.
Personnel>>Personnel>>Positions>>Positions Re-Organisation
6. Edit Position Supervisor
Validation and error handling were improved when inserting/updating Position Supervisors.
Personnel>>Personnel>>Positions>>All Positions (Filled and Vacant)>>Edit Position Supervisor
7. Countries
A new dropdown field, Country Used For, was added whereby countries can be linked to either
- Employee - the country will only be displayed in employee address (Personnel>>Employees>>Address and Contact Info>>[Country]).
- Company - the country will only be displayed in company address (Personnel>>Setup>>Organisation>>Structure>>Companies>>[Country]).
- Both - the country will be displayed in both of the above.
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