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Personnel - Contact Info - Use Work Email

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A new field, Work Email Address, was added to the Contact Info screen.  

The system uses the email address entered here to determine the address to which work-related messages, including pay slips, are sent to employees.  The employee’s email address entered in the Security module is used for account-related email messages, such as password resets. Further, the determination of employees’ Work or Primary Email addresses is one of the factors used in the creation of batch users.  An employee’s Work Email Address may or may not be his/her Primary Email Address and vice versa.

Step 1 - Enter Email Address(es)

Enter employees’ Contact Info, defining Primary Email Address and Work Email Address.

Personnel>>Personnel>>Employees HR View>>[search for an employee]>>Contact Info:

Complete the following fields:

1. Email Address: enter the employee’s email address. Ideally, this should be the employee’s work email address to which messages will be sent. However, personal email addresses can also be used.

2. Primary Email Address:

• check Yes to indicate that this is the employee’s main email address.

• check No so that the email address entered WILL NOT be used as the employee’s main email address i.e. the employee will NOT receive work-related email via this email address. The email address will simply be stored for information purposes.

3. Use as Primary Email Address: this is a duplication of the Primary Email Address in 2 above field but MUST still be completed:

• check Yes to use the email address entered as the employee’s main email address i.e. the employee will receive work-related email via this email address.

• check No to NOT use the email address entered as the employee’s main email address i.e. the employee will NOT receive work-related email via this email address. The email address will simply be stored for information purposes.

4. Work Email Address:

• check Yes if the email address entered is the employee’s work email address.

• check No if the email address entered is NOT the employee’s work email address.

The Work Email Address field works in conjunction with the creation of batch users (Step 3).

Step 2 - Import Employees' Contact Info

Contact Info for employees can either be entered (Step 1) or imported. In this example, the import will be used. Three (3) employees with Badge Numbers WRC103, WRC304, WRC506 were assigned email addresses as shown below. The employees' contact info will be imported using the Contact Info template

System Configurations>>Company Imports>>Import Contact Info:

The template was filled out with the following data:

1. Employee WRC103: has both personal and work email addresses. The Work Email Address is correctly flagged as Yes.

2. Employee WRC304: has only a Work Email Address flagged as the Primary Email Address.

3. Employee WRC506: has both personal and work email addresses. Both addresses were flagged as Yes for Work Email Address.

Click the Import button. Follow the instructions on the screen to import the data from the download template:

Step 3 - Create Batch Users

When creating Batch Users, if an employee has:

1. multiple email addresses, the system will use the one that is flagged as the Work Email Address (Step 1) as the employee’s official email address.

2. a single email address but the Work Email Address was NOT flagged as Yes, the system will still use the employee’s email address as the employee’s official email address.

Step 3.1: Create Batch Users using Employees’ Work Email Address

Using the example in Step 2 (shown below in table format for reference), batch users using the employees’ work email addresses will be created as shown in the table below:

1.  Employee WRC103: has both personal and work email addresses. The Work Email Address is correctly flagged as Yes.

2. Employee WRC304: has only a Work Email Address flagged as the Primary Email Address.

3. Employee WRC506: has both personal and work email addresses. Both addresses were flagged as Yes for Work Email Address.

Step 3.1.1: Create Users for Employees’ with Work Email Addresses

Security>>New User>>Create Batch Users:

Step 3.2 - Create User with no Work Email Address

Personnel>>Personnel>>Employees HR View>>[Search for an employee]>>Contact Info:

Step 3.2.1: Create User for WESL1 with no Work Email Address

Security>>New User>>Create Batch Users:

Step 3.3 - Create User with no Primary Email Address

Personnel>>Personnel>>Employees HR View>>[Search for an employee]>>Contact Info:

Step 3.3.1: Create User for WESL1 with no Primary Email Address

Security>>New User>>Create Batch Users:


If the field Set user email using is set to use Work Email:

Security>>New User>>Create Batch Users:

Then the HRplus system will:

1. NOT create the user, if the employee has no work email.

2. Create the user using the email address flagged as Yes to Use As Primary, if the employee has two (2) email addresses.

3. Create the user using the email address flagged as Yes to Use As Primary and Yes to Work Email Address if the employee has one (1) work email address.

4. NOT create the user if both email addresses are flagged as No to Use As Primary, if the employee has two (2) work email addresses.

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