The following updates were made to:
- Fill Position.
- Staff Requests.
- Panelist Interview Form.
- Tasks.
- Generate Onboarding Checklist.
- Onboarding.
1. Fill Position
Positions can be successfully filled via the Recruitment module.
Recruitment>>Staff Requests>>Approved Requests>>[expand record]>>Scheduled Applicants>Fill Position [button]
The following screens were tested to ensure validation and functionality with no errors being displayed.
3. Panelist Interview Form
Recruitment>>Interviews>>Approved Requests>>[expand record]>>Scheduled Applicants>>Panelist Interview Form>>[+]
4. Tasks
Recruitment>>Staff Requests>>Approved Requests>>[expand record]>>Start Here>>[Add New Task]
5. Generate Onboarding Checklist
Recruitment>>Staff Requests>>Approved Requests>>[+]>>Selected Applicants>>Generate Onboarding Checklist
6. Onboarding
The Onboarding menu was added to the Recruitment module.
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