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Personnel - Employee Supervisor, Audit, Import Job Competencies

Updated on

The following improvements were made to:

1.  Employee Supervisor.

2.  Audit screens.

3.  Import Job Competencies.

1.  Employee Supervisor

The screens were updated to ensure that when a Supervisor was updated for an employee the change (new supervisor) was accurately reflected in the Employee Profile.

Personnel>>Personnel>>Positions>>All Positions (Filled and Vacant)>>[Select Company]>>[Select Employee]>>Edit Position Supervisor

Personnel>>Personnel>>Positions>>Employee>>Personal & Address Details

2.  Audit

A query to the view used for the audit screen was added to ensure that Deleted Records are displayed.

Personnel>>Setup>>Organization Setup>>Structure>>Jobs>>[Audit]

3.  Import Job Competencies

The screen was updated to ensure that all records are imported successfully without any errors.

Personnel>>Setup>>Organization Setup>>Structure>>Jobs>>[Select Job]>>Job Competencies>>[Import Job Competencies]:

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