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Leave - Workflow/Off Days/Leave Types/Vac Recal/Absent Records

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The following were improved and/or added:

1. Time and Attendance Absent Records

2. Leave Workflow

3. Leave Taken - Workflow Approval

4. Leave Types - Maternity and Paternity

5. Vacation and Other Cumulative Leave Rules

6. Recalculate Opening Balances

7. Employee Off Days

1. Time and Attendance Absent Records

A new screen, Time and Attendance Absent Records, was added and displays timesheet records (from HRplus Time) that are classified as Absent but not XY123.  Previously, these records would be automatically entered to Leave Transactions for posting by HR.  At this time, these records can be viewed prior to updating (click the Update HR button) to the Leave Transactions screen for posting by HR.

Benefits>>Leave>>Leave Transactions>>Time and Attendance Absent Records

2. Leave Workflow

Multiple leave types can be set up in a single leave workflow.

System Configurations>>Workflow>>Workflow Definitions

3. Leave Taken - Workflow Approval

The system updates the Status, Approved By and Approved Date fields to show the last person who approved or made changes to an “already approved” Leave Taken record.  This allows flexibility in the approval process in case changes to approved records are required.

Benefits>>Leave>>Leave Taken

4. Leave Types - Maternity and Paternity

A cap for maternity and paternity leave based on eligibility was implemented as follows:

Maternity Leave:

All female team members who have completed one (1) year’s continuous service with the VM Group are entitled to three (3) months of maternity leave with pay to a maximum of three (3) pregnancies.

Paternity Leave:

All male team members who have completed one (1) year’s continuous service with the VM Group are entitled to ten (10) days of paternity leave with pay to a maximum of three (3) pregnancies.

5. Vacation and Other Cumulative Leave Rules

The leave rules were updated to (1) enable user notifications, and (2) allow the following combinations when setting up cumulative leave rules under the section Define Leave Rules Criteria:

  1. Employee Status
  2. Job
  3. Job and Employee Status
  4. Pay Group
  5. Pay Group and Employee Status
  6. Staff type
  7. Staff Type and Salary Grade
  8. Salary Range
  9. Salary Range and Employee Status
  10. Salary Grade
  11. Salary Grade and Employee Status
  12. Salary Category
  13. Salary Category and Employee Status

Benefits>>Leave>>Leave Setup>>Vacation and Other Cumulative Leave Rules

6. Recalculate Opening Balances

A new field, Recalculate From Year, was added to the screen to allow a user to recalculate leave balances from a specific year.  Recalculations are necessary in cases where historical records are currently being entered and posted and/or if leave entitlements were incorrect etc.  

Use the Recalculate Leave Balances screen to recalculate leave from a particular year.  The new field, Recalculate From Year, facilitates this.  An example is shown below.

7. Employee Off Days

The following modifications were made (1) an import button was added; (2) the ability to flag an employee as off when scheduling individual employees which automatically triggers the insertion of the off day in the Employee Off Days screen.

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