The option, Add User Signature, when printing the P24, P45 and C2 reports, was added to the Print screen. If Yes is checked, a signature is displayed on the report.
1. National Insurance/Housing Trust (C2)
POWERpay>>Payroll Reports>>Payroll Reports>>Jamaica Statutory Reports>>National Insurance/Housing Trust Record (C2) from Edit File.
POWERpay>>Payroll Reports>>Payroll Reports>>Jamaica Statutory Reports>>National Insurance/Housing Trust Record (C2) from Payroll.
2. Certificate of Pay and Tax Deducted (P24)
POWERpay>>Payroll Reports>>Payroll Reports>>Jamaica Statutory Reports>>Certificate of Pay and Tax Deducted (P24) from Edit File.
POWERpay>>Payroll Reports>>Payroll Reports>>Jamaica Statutory Reports>>Certificate of Pay and Tax Deducted (P24) from Payroll.
POWERpay>>Payroll Reports>>Payroll Reports>>Jamaica Statutory Reports>>Certificate of Pay and Tax Deducted (P24) from Payroll (Company).
3. Income Tax Particulars of Employee Leaving (P45)
POWERpay>>Payroll Reports>>Payroll Reports>>Jamaica Statutory Reports>>P45 - Income Tax Particulars of Employee Leaving:
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