Benefits - Leave Payroll Link/Employees

The following new feature/update were added to:

  1. Leave Payroll Link.
  2. Employees.

New Feature

The Years of Service Required field was added as a criterion when setting up the Leave-Payroll Link.  Employees who do not meet this requirement will not be considered when the rule is effected i.e. will not be paid for the duration of Leave.  

Note: Decimals are allowed for this field e.g. 0.5 = 6 months.

Benefits>>Leave>>Leave Setup>>Leave Payroll Link

Step 2:  Leave Taken

Enter/view Leave Taken records.

Benefits>>Leave>>Leave Transactions>>Leave Taken

Step 3:  Years of Service

Verify employee years of service.

Personnel>>Personnel>>Employees>>[Select Employee]>>Identity and Hire Data

Step 4:  Cycle Changes

The system will automatically generate cycle changes for employees who meet the Leave-Payroll Link criteria - a cycle change entry is only generated for employee Janine John.

Payroll>>Process Payroll>>Cycle Changes


2. Employees

The screen was tested for CRUD (create, read, update, delete) functionality.



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