Leave - Recalculate Leave Taken

The Recalculate Leave Balances screen was updated to correctly calculate Leave Taken when a Holiday is flagged as an Off Day and the Calendar Flag for the leave is set to “Use Calendar  Skip Holidays and Return on Nearest Working Day”.

Step 1:  Setup Return Date Parameters by Employee

Create a record for an employee setting the Calendar Flag as Use Calendar  Skip Holidays and Return on Nearest Working Day.

Benefits>>Leave>>Leave Setup>>Return Date Parameters>>By Employee

Step 2:  Flag Holidays

Benefits>>Leave>>Leave Setup>>Calendar Setup>>Flag Holidays

  • The employees’ off days were set via Benefits>>Leave>>Leave Overrides>>Employee Off Days, where it includes a Holiday.

Step 3:  Create Leave Taken Records

Enter a new Leave Transaction for the same period as the Holidays flagged.

Benefits>>Leave>>Leave Transactions>>Leave Taken

Step 4:  Recalculate Leave Balances

Benefits>>Leave>>Leave Transactions>>Recalculate Leave Balances

Step 5:  View Total Leave Taken

Benefits>>Leave>>Leave Transactions>>View Leave Entitlements


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