St. Lucia - Certified Sick Leave

A rule was created for processing certified sick leave as follows:

  • First 3 days: Full Pay (provided the employee did not previously take certified sick leave in the last 8 weeks.  In the latter case, only 35% will be paid).
  • Remaining Days: 35% (except Sundays)
  • Sundays:      No Pay

Step 1:  Set up System Codes

System Configurations>>System Codes>>System Codes

Set up the Leave Payroll Link for the Leave Code to which the rule should be applied.

Benefits>>Leave>>Leave Setup>>Leave Payroll Links

Create and approve a Leave Taken record where a Sunday is included.

Benefits>>Leave>>Leave Transactions>>Leave Taken

Step 4:  View Cycle Changes

View the cycle changes generated for the leave record.  Process the payroll as you normally would.

Payroll>>Process Payroll>>Cycle Changes>>[search for Pay Group, Pay Year, Cycle No)

The calculation is as follows:

  • Amount:  24 = the first 3 days at factor 1= 3*8
  • Amount:  16 = the remaining 3 days at factor .35 = 2*8=16 (1 day falls on a Sunday; therefore only 2 days are paid)


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