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How is the Acting Allowance handled in the Payroll?

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When an Acting Profile Change record is entered for an employee, the system does the following:

  1. Finds the pay cycle in POWERpay based on the Effective Date.
  2. If the cycle is approved/uncommitted then the cycle changes are inserted starting with this cycle.
  3. If the cycle is partially reversed and unapproved, and the employee for whom the profile change is being made is in it, then the cycle changes are inserted from this cycle.
  4. If the payroll is run or part reversed and the said employee is not in the partial reverse, then the cycle changes are inserted from the next uncommitted cycle for the employee.
  5. If the effective date falls before the start date of the next uncommitted cycle for the employee, the cycle changes are generated from the next uncommitted cycle for the employee if the end date of the acting period is also on or after this start date.

Cycle Changes are generated if:

  • There is a relevant Transactions Payroll link (Personnel>>Transactions>>Transactions Payroll Linkages) link for Acting allowance.
  • The acting position is valid i.e. filled
  • There is an increase in salary comparing substantive and acting quoted salaries.
  • There are enough available cycles to complete the transaction.

Calculation of Acting Allowance

  • Overriding Amount: If the allowance amount is greater than zero (0) then it is used and interpreted to be the cycle allowance.
  • For Salary Grades: This is the difference between the dollar value associated with the lowest grade point, with a greater dollar value, of the salary grade to which the job (of the acting position) is linked and the quoted salary of the employee.
  • Annualized Salary Grades: If Annualized Salary Grades (Administration>>System Constants>>Organisation Defaults) are being used then the appropriate cycle salary (quoted rate) is calculated. This is of particular importance for fortnightly and weekly pay groups where the number of cycles per pay year may vary between 26 or 27 and 52 or 53 respectively. For pay years where the number of cycles is 27 and 53 for the fortnightly and weekly pay groups respectively, it is necessary for the 27th and 53rd cycles to be generated in order for the accurate calculation of the acting allowance be made.
    • Example:- Salary Grade Points B 1 2 3 $2,000 $3,500 $4,500 If an employee’s salary is $3,000 and he/she is acting in a job that is not filled and is linked to a salary grade (the quoted salary is therefore not known), then Grade Point 3 - $3,500 will be the employee’s acting salary. It is the lowest grade point with the greater dollar value than the employee’s normal salary.
  • If salary grades are not used: The difference between the substantive and acting quoted salaries.


  1. Indicate whether weekdays or calendar days are to be used for pro-ration via System Configurations>>Company Parameters>>Organisation Defaults. Prorate Using – select either Calendar Days or Week Days.
    • Calendar Days = all days in the calendar.
    • Week Days = all week days (excluding weekends).  
  2. If the effective date does not fall at the start of the cycle then the amounts are pro-rated. The formula is: Amount = (acting allowance) * (number of days between the effective date and the end of the cycle) /total number of days in the cycle. Where the number of days is determined by the value in (1) above – Week Days or Calendar Days.
    • Example: In our example, pro-ration is determined by Week Days. Therefore, the Number of Days between the Effective Date of Monday 7th April 2014 to the End of the Cycle of Wednesday 30th April 2014:
      • Number of Week Days in Cycle – Number of Week Days Not Worked based on Effective Date
      • 22 - 4 = 18
      • Using the above formula, the acting allowance is correctly calculated as 1259.00 * 18/22 = 1030.09
  3. If the end date does not fall at the end of a cycle then the amounts are pro-rated. The formula is: Amount = (acting allowance) * (number of days between the start of the cycle and the acting end date) /total number of days in the cycle.
  4. Retroactive payments are not handled.
  5. Other
    • The acting allowance is paid as an allowance i.e. an ‘A’ entry.
    • If a cycle change paying acting allowance exists prior to the profile change, the values will be summed.
    • The cycle changes are created on the insertion of the Acting transaction. As long as the ‘next uncommitted cycle’ for the employee is not run for that employee, the profile entries will remain editable.
    • Cycle changes are generated in batch number ‘AT’.
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