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Cycle Changes - How do I set up a loan for an employee using a goal?

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Payroll >> Process Payroll >> Cycle Changes

A regular deduction is one that is processed every pay cycle.

To set up a goal for a regular deduction is also known as a LOAN.

It is entered as a goal so that when the Payments = Goal, the payroll will automatically stop processing the employee's deduction.

Steps to setting up a Goal:

  1. Enter the Goal amount.
  2. Enter the Deduction amount for each cycle.
  3. Enter any payments made over the counter/ previous payments which were made on the loan.
  4. Enter the Payee to which the loan is remitted.
  5. Enter the Account and Account Number

Entry 1 - Enter the goal amount

Goals for deductions must have the Entry Type G.  DO NOT OVERWRITE THE WORD 'GOAL'!

Entry 2 - Enter the Deduction amount

The  amount will be deducted every pay cycle for the employee.

Entry 3 - Enter Payments made ''over the counter"

This is done via a Y-PAYMENT cycle change entry and it is made to ensure past payments made on the deduction do not contribute to the Goal.


Examples of:  Entry Type:  Y; C/Centre Other:  PAYMENTS

Example 1:

  1. In January, Pay Cycle 1 (weekly) (1st to 7th):   a regular GFC deduction of $100.00 was set up.
  2. In January, Pay Cycle 1’s  (1st to 7th)  was run:  $100.00 would then accrue to  payments.
  3. In January, Pay Cycle 2 (8th to 14th):   a Goal of $1000.00 and a weekly regular deduction of $100.00 for the same GFC code were set up.
  4. If a Y-PAYMENT entry of $0.00 WAS NOT DONE when the Goal was set up in Pay Cycle 2:  then, when the payroll is run,  the amount accrued toward the payments would be $200.00 (Cycle 1 $100.00 + Cycle 2 $100.00).
  5. If a Y-PAYMENT entry of $0.00 WAS DONE when the Goal was set up in Pay Cycle 2, only the $100.00 from Pay Cycle 2’s payroll run will be accrued toward the payments.

When entering a new goal, always make a Y-PAYMENT entry of $0.00.

Example 2:

  1. In January, Pay Cycle 1 (weekly) (1st to 7th):   a new Goal of $2000.00,  a weekly regular deduction of $100.00, and Y PAYMENTS of 0.00 for the same GFC code were set up.
  2. The Payroll was then run for 6 pay cycles.  The totals as at the end of Cycle 6 were:
    • Goal = $2000.00
    • Weekly Deduction = $200.00
    • Payments toward the Goal for 6 cycles = $1200.00 ($200 x 6)
    • Balance on the Goal = $800.00 ($2000.00 - $1200.00)
  3. In Pay Cycle 7, $500.00 was paid "over the counter" toward the loan.  To reflect this amount toward the Loan Balance, enter a Y-PAYMENTS cycle change as shown below:

Use  the Y-Payment cycle entry to enter Payments (made outside of the payroll) towards a Goal.

Entry 4 - Enter the Payee

Entry 5 - Enter the Account number for the Payee

Enter the Account and Account Number to which the loan deduction amount is remitted.


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