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How to setup Cut off Date Parameters?

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Payroll >> Pay Cycles >> Pay Cycles >> Cut-Off Date Parameters


HRplus Time >> Setup >> Pay Cycles >> Cut-Off Date Parameters

Cut-Off Date Parameters

Insert/edit/delete/view dates by which transactions (time sheets/deductions/allowances/changes to pay for processing should be submitted to Payroll so that the respective payrolls can be run on time. Cut-off dates are the dates by which all changes tot he payroll must be submitted.

Based on the criteria defined here, reminders (to submit changes to the payroll) are sent to the relevant personnel via Event Reminders ( HR Events>> Manage Events).

Setup Cut-Off Date Parameters

Company: Select the company for which you wish to define the cut-off date. 

Pay Type:Select the pay type from the drop-down list.  The options are Monthly, Bi-monthly, Fortnightly, Weekly, Quarterly

Cut-Off Options: Select the cut-off option from the drop-down list and, based on your selection, enter the Number of Days OR the calendar day.

The table below shows some examples: 

Table showing Cut-Off Date Examples

Cut-Off Option Number of Days
Fixed date 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (1st, 2nd , 3rd - The calendar date is selected to match the fixed date selected.)
Days After Cycle Start Date 2, 3, 4
Days Before Cycle End Date 4, 5, 6
Days After Cycle End Date 1, 2
Days Before cycle Pay Date 2, 3


For a monthly pay type, the cut-off option to submit changes ( a new deduction, approved time sheets, overtime time sheets, a change of payee) might be on a fixed date, hence the following record can be set up:

Company Banda Furnishings
Pay Type Monthly
Cut-Off Option Fixed Date
Number of Days 28 (28th day of the month)

Once an event is setup, the system will send notifications to the relevant personnel (managers) as reminders to submit all changes to the payroll or to ensure time sheets have been fully prepared for payroll access by the said date.


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