Help SitePersonnel ManagementPersonnelEmployee TransactionsHow do I Change an Employee's Status in the Company?

How do I Change an Employee's Status in the Company?

Personnel>>Personnel>>Transactions>>Status Change

Status Change

There are two Status Changes available via the Employee Transactions as follows:

  1. Status in Company Change: the employee status in the company changes. E.g. Probation -> Permanent.
  2. Status in Position Change: the employee status in their current position changes. E.g. Probation -> Confirmation in Post.

Step 1: Enter the Status Change

Transaction Type:  select either STATUS IN POSITION CHANGE or STATUS IN COMPANY CHANGE.  An employee can have a status change either in his/her position or in the company.

Effective Date:  the date the change takes effect

Step 2: Post the Record

The status change will be reflected in the employee profile record.

Step 3: View the Status Change on the Employee's Profile

Personnel>>Personnel>>Employees>>[Select Employee]>>Company and Status Info


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