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Glossary of Succession Terms

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9-Box Assessment: A tool used to assess employees based on two dimensions: Performance and Potential. The assessment results in a grid with nine boxes, each representing a different combination of performance and potential levels.

360-Degree Feedback: A comprehensive evaluation method involving feedback from an employee's supervisors, peers, subordinates, and sometimes even customers or clients.

Assessment Event: A specific period or instance designated by HR for managers to conduct employee assessments, typically focusing on critical positions.

Assessment Form: A structured tool used by managers to evaluate employees on various factors related to their potential for promotion and risk of leaving. HR sets up the assessment form, which includes questions related to potential and risk.

Assessment Questions: Specific questions included in the assessment form, designed to gauge an employee's potential for promotion and risk of leaving. These questions are categorised and assigned scores to determine an overall assessment score.

Assessment: A formal evaluation process conducted by managers to assess employees in critical roles, focusing on their potential for promotion, risk of leaving, and development needs.


Calibration: A process involving HR and managers to ensure consistency in evaluating performance and potential, leading to more accurate talent placement on the 9-box grid.

Candidate Profile: A comprehensive overview of an employee's qualifications, skills, experience, and 9-Box rating. This profile helps determine an employee's suitability for potential job roles.

Competencies: The specific skills, knowledge, and abilities required for successful job performance in a particular role.

Critical Job Level: A designation assigned to job roles that are essential to the organisation's operations and require specific attention in succession planning.

Critical Job Mapping: The process of identifying and prioritising critical job roles within the organisation, determining the skills, competencies, and experience required for each role.


Development Plan: A structured plan outlining the specific steps, training, and experiences an employee needs to address skill gaps and prepare for potential job advancements.


Employee Assessment: A formal evaluation process conducted by managers to assess employees in critical roles, focusing on their potential for promotion, risk of leaving, and development needs.


Gap Analysis: A systematic comparison of an employee's current skills, competencies, and qualifications against the requirements of a target job role. The analysis highlights areas where the employee needs development to meet the job requirements.


High Potential (HiPo) Employee: An employee identified as having high potential for future leadership or critical roles within the organisation, often based on their performance, potential assessments, and other relevant factors.


Indicators: Measurable factors or criteria used to assess employees' performance and potential. These indicators are mapped to the 9-Box grid, helping to determine an employee's placement.


Job Rotation: A development approach where employees are systematically moved between different job roles to gain broader experience and develop new skills.


Leadership Development Plan (LDP): A targeted plan that outlines specific training, mentorship, and assignments aimed at closing skill gaps for future readiness.

Leadership Pipeline: A visual representation of potential candidates for future leadership roles within the organisation, often organised by level or seniority.


Performance Management: The process of setting goals, providing feedback, and evaluating employee performance to ensure alignment with organisational objectives. Performance appraisals are a key component of performance management and feed into succession planning.

Potential Assessment: A systematic evaluation of an employee's capabilities, skills, and attributes to determine their likelihood of succeeding in higher-level or more challenging roles.

Potential Candidate: An employee identified as possessing the potential to succeed in a specific job role or level within the organisation, often based on their 9-Box placement and other assessments.

Potential Jobs: Specific job roles that have been identified as suitable for an employee's development and career progression, based on their skills, experience, and potential.


Readiness Assessment: A comprehensive evaluation to determine the most suitable successor for a critical role, considering factors like leadership potential, interpersonal skills, and experience.

Risk of Leaving: The likelihood that an employee might voluntarily leave the organisation. This risk is assessed through factors such as job satisfaction, career development opportunities, and external market conditions.


Succession Mapping: The process of linking performance and potential assessments to specific job roles. It involves identifying potential successors for key positions based on their 9-Box placement, skills, and development needs.

Succession Planning: The strategic process of identifying, developing, and retaining a pool of qualified employees to fill key roles within the organisation as needed. It ensures business continuity and reduces disruption in the event of employee turnover.


Talent Pool: A group of identified employees who have been assessed and deemed to have high potential for future leadership or critical roles within the organisation. HR and managers use talent pools to track and develop employees for succession planning.

Talent Review: A structured meeting or process where HR, managers, and leaders discuss and evaluate employees' performance, potential, and development needs, typically focusing on high-potential talent and succession planning.


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