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Step 4 Offboarding: Set up Offboarding Checklist

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Offboarding Checklists

When the employee exits the organization, an offboarding checklist details all of the necessary tasks that must be done when an employee leaves. It is often completed as a check-box exercise so that line managers and HR team members can see at a glance which activities have been finished and which are still outstanding. (e.g. recover company property, revoke employee’s the formation of user-defined checklists to ensure that everything has been covered before IT access, complete final pay process, provide recommendations, etc.).

The steps are as follows:

  1. Create a New Offboarding Checklist Task
  2. Create and View ALL Offboarding Tasks for Checklist
  3. Identify Primary Person responsible for each Task
    1. Example for Direct Supervisor Offboarding Group
    2. Example for Other Offboarding Group

Create a New Offboarding Checklist

Enter Offboarding Checklist Task Detail

Company: Select the company from the drop down, for which you are setting up the Offboarding checklist

Offboarding Task: Enter the details of the Offboarding Task.

Order: The Order Number entered here indicates the consecutive order in which the task should be completed on the checklist. Additionally, the order of tasks on the checklist is automatically re-ordered based on the order number of the last saved task.

Days to Complete: Enter the number of days that the employee has to complete the task. Notifications would be sent alerting the employee of the timeframe to complete the task.

Offboarding Group: This is a default drop down list which shows the different groups of users who may be assigned as being responsible for the Offboarding Task. The groups are listed as follows:

  • Benefits Administrator (Benefits module)
  • Company Assets Manager (Company Assets module)
  • HR (Personnel Module)
  • IT (Security Module)
  • Payroll (Payroll Module)
  • Employee (Not linked to any module)
  • Direct Supervisor (Not linked to any module)
  • Other (Not linked to any module)

Offboarding Groups Linked to a Module: If any one of the Offboarding Groups selected are linked to a module (as indicated above), a list of users with security access to the respective module is generated under this task. You may then select ONE of these users as the primary person responsible for the task. E.g. If HR is selected, then a list is generated of all the employees within that company who have access to the Personnel module. You may then delete the other users as required, however we advise that those persons who may act as an alternate to the primary person be left on the list, in the event that the task has to be reassigned.

Offboarding Groups NOT linked to a Module: If any one of the Offboarding Groups selected are NOT linked to a module (as indicated above), no employees/users will be generated under this task. Employees will only be assigned (as explained below) when the checklist is generated OR you will have to manually add employee responsible.

Employee: If Employee is selected as the Offboarding Group, when the checklist is generated for an employee, then that employee will be the person assigned as the primary person responsible for the task.

Direct Supervisor: If Direct Supervisor is selected as the Offboarding Group, when the checklist is generated for an employee, then that employee's direct supervisor will be assigned as the primary person responsible for  the task. This will be based on the reporting relationship (direct supervisor) setup for the position that the employee currently occupies.

Other: If Other is selected as the Offboarding Group, you must manually select and add the person responsible for the task.

Multi-Company: If there are multiple companies setup on your installation of HRplus and the Multi-company check box is flagged, then ALL the users across companies from the selected Offboarding Group will be generated or available for selection under the task. Therefore, you will be able to select a primary person responsible for that task who may belong to an entirely different company for which the Offboarding Checklist is being set up.

Save record and repeat to add other tasks to the checklist.

Example of Completed Offboarding Tasks for Checklist

Identify Primary Person Responsible for the Task

Example Showing No Users Generated for Direct Supervisor Offboarding Group

Example Showing Selection of Primary Person for Other Offboarding Group

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Next Article Step 6 Offboarding: Generate Employee Offboarding Checklist
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