Before using this module, please identify/ensure:
- The Event Types that are relevant to your company.
- The Positions, HR Personnel and any other employee/s to which Reminders should be sent.
- That Supervisors (managers) are set up for employees. ( Reporting relationships must be configured)
Step | Task | Navigation | Description |
1 | View Event Types | Personnel>>HR Event Reminders>>HR Events Manager>>Event Types |
2 | Setup HR Users | Personnel>>HR Event Reminders>>HR Events Manager>>HR Users |
3 | Set up General Event Settings | Personnel>>HR Event Reminders>>HR Events Manager>>General Event Settings |
4 | Position Settings | Personnel>>HR Event Reminders>>HR Events Manager>>Specific Position Settings |
5 | Set up Employee Settings | Personnel>>HR Event Reminders>>HR Events Manager>>Specific Employee Settings |
6 | View-Only Events in Progress | Personnel>>HR Event Reminders>>HR Events Manager>>Events in Progress |
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