Personnel>>Personnel>>Transactions>>Payroll Smart Entries
Smart Entries Personnel
In the Personnel module, if an HR admin user is responsible for entering payroll-related data, such as timesheets, allowances, and other payroll details, they must have the "Payroll Smart Entries" permission. This permission is essential for granting access to the Smart Entries screen within the Personnel module's transactions. Without this permission, the user will not be able to view or enter the necessary payroll information.
This article will guide you through the steps to ensure the proper setup and usage of Smart Entries for payroll data.
Payroll Smart Entries
The Payroll Smart Entries option allows you to enter cycle change entries in batches.
The following are the steps:
- Grant Permission to HR Payroll Users
- Create File Header
- Select the Tab for Data Entry in Smart Entries
- Enter the User name and Select the Pay Group and Cycle No.
- Enter Cycle Changes
- Post Smart Entries to Fixed Data Import screen
- Validate the data
- Post the Validated Entries to Cycle Changes
- Verify the Posted Data in the Cycle Changes
Step 1: Grant Permission to HR Payroll Users
Security>>User administration>>[Select User]>>[+]>>Edit User Groups>>HR Payroll Users
Step 2: Create a File Header
Payroll>>Process Payroll>>Import Cycle Changes>>Fixed Data Imports
Click on the New Records Hyperlink
A new row will be created, use the drop-down list to select:
Pay Group: Select the pay group which represents the list of employees.
Cycle Number: Enter the cycle number for which you are going to import the changes.
Pay year: Enter the pay year for the cycle. e.g. 2024
Cycle Type: Select the cycle type option. e.g. Current or OOC
File Type: Select the File Type option: They are:
- 0 Timesheets
- 1 Salaries
- 2 Allowances
- 3 Other Income
- 4 Deductions
- 5 Personal Allowances
- 6 Brought Forward
- 7 Payees
- 8 Pay Profile Bank Change
- 9 Salary Rate Changes
- 10 Pay Profile General
- Use the diskette to the left of the record to save your header.
- Repeat for additional Pay Groups, if needed.
Step 3: Select the Tab for Data Entry in Smart Entries
The "Salaries"Tab is selected for data entry.
Step 5: Enter Cycle Changes
- Enter all the respective entries.
- Tab out of a row to save or click the Save icon.
- When data entry is completed,click the Submit button to save all entries.
- Repeat Steps 1-3 to enter Allowances, Deductions, Salaries, Other Income, etc.
Step 6: Post Rows Shown to Fixed Data Imports screen
- Once you have completed your data entry, post the data by clicking on the Post Rows Shown button.
- The application will ask you to verify the command. Click OK. You will be notified when the data is successfully posted.
- Repeat until all rows have been posted to the Fixed Data Import screen in Import Cycle Changes
Step 7: Validate the Data.
Navigation: Payroll>>Process Payroll>>Import Cycle Changes >> Fixed Data Imports
The record will show up on the screen. Select the option "Validate Entries" on the main record. The application will verify the employee Badge numbers entered on the excel sheet and flag any inconsistencies.
Example of Invalid Entries
- If there are entries that are not valid, the application will alert you.
- Notice that, within the first row, we uploaded ‘S’ for Status into the Other 2 field. The application, within the comments section, however, notes that the Other 1 field should, therefore, reflect ‘A’, ‘I’ or ‘D’.
- Notice that all entries in the 2nd row were valid, hence the check mark.
- You can choose to modify the fields within the screen or you can delete the row(s) by checking the Delete box and clicking on the Submit button .
- If you have many rows that are invalid, you may wish to delete all entries by clicking on the Select All Rows for Deletion button. In this instance, you will then revise your template, re-upload the entries and validate once more.
A pop-up message will show up indicating that all the entries are valid. Select "OK" to continue.
All validated entries will have a 'check mark' to the right of each record. Once the entries are valid, you can select 'Post Entries'.
Step 8: Post Entries to Cycle Changes
A pop-up message will show up to confirm that you want to post the information. Select "OK" to continue.
A message to indicate that all the entries were successfully posted will show up. Select "OK" to continue.
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