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Step 7 Offboarding: ESS - Employee View of Offboarding Tasks

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Navigation: Employee Self Service>> My Offboarding >> My Tasks

Employee Self Serve - Offboarding

When the Offboarding Checklist is generated from the Personnel Module, this triggers notifications in th Self Service Module for the employees who are assigned to the various tasks. This is how it works:

  1. Notifications are generated in the ESS message inbox for the employee assigned to the task.
  2. Tasks (including their associated documents) assigned to the employee are now available through the ESS >> Onboarding tasks.
  3. If there is an Exit Interview Form set up for the company, it is now made available in the ESS >> Onboarding  based on who was indicated as responsible for completing the said form. The options in terms of persons responsible are:
    1. HR
    2. Manager
    3. Employee
  4. The Offboarding Checklist is now available for the employee to see the status of all the tasks associated with his/her offboarding.

Employee Offboarding Notifications

Offboarding Tasks and Documents

  • Task Status: When this is entered as 100%, the following happens:
    • The Date Completed field automatically populates with the current date. 
    • The person assigned as the Onboarding Staff for the company also gets a notification that the task has been completed.
    • The user assigned to the next task in sequence will also get a notification in their inbox that the previous task has been completed.
  • Comments entered on the task are available on the checklist for either HR, the Manager or Employee with checklist access to see.
  • Documents: The employee can also upload documents here for HR to view in the Offboarding Module under their checklist task.

ESS View of Exit Interview Form

The employee can fill out the Exit Interview Form here.

  • Exit Interview Date: When the form is submitted, this is the date that is auto-generated and saved to this field.
  • Employee End Date: This date is generated based on the Separation Date for the employee.

ESS View of Employee Offboarding Checklist

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