Talent Management>>360 Multi-Rater
The 360 Multi-Rater module is a review system that allows you to obtain feedback from multiple sources called: employees, direct reports, managers, peers and project team members. These sources may be supervisory, subordinate or lateral. The feedback is used to inform behavioural changes, employment and succession decisions and to facilitate performance improvement.
This full-circle review system is effective in effecting behavioural and/or development change as it is more difficult to discount the viewpoints of multiple sources. Moreover, the feedback can be anonymous, as opposed to face-to-face, so that multi-raters are more comfortable providing reviews.
Some employee benefits (at all levels) of implementing a 360-degree review system are to:
✓ become more self-aware as there is greater understanding of how behaviours are perceived by others in comparison to personal perceptions.
✓ identify and build upon strengths and improve weaknesses.
✓ focus on learning and development and take ownership for self-development.
✓ receive feedback in a positive, open-minded and non-aggressive manner.
✓ obtain feedback about senior executives’ performance – as this might be the only forum on which to do so.
360 Multi-Rater

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