Appraisal scores are calculated by the system when the manager enters his/her ratings - employee scores are not considered and HR can only enter comments. The scores are displayed in real-time.

Each time a rating is entered, the system updates the calculations. The calculations are done in decimal and rounded to 2 decimal places:

Weight (of Type): this is set up via the following:
- Personnel>>Setup>>Organisation Setup>>Structure>>Jobs [expand Job]>>Job Competencies
- Personnel>>Setup>>Organisation Setup>>Structure>>Jobs [expand Job]>>Primary Responsibilities
- Personnel>>Setup>>Organisation Setup>>Structure>>Jobs [expand Job]>>Job Goals
- Talent Management>>Goals>>Goal Details
Proportional Weight (the sum of the 3 appraisal types MUST total 100): set up via:
- Appraisals>>Performance Setup>>Appraisal Type Weight
Overall Rating: The system will display this value based on the Final Total Score and the Rating Band set up via Talent Management>>Appraisals>>Performance Setup>>Overall Rating. This value cannot be edited by the user.
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