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Glossary of Leave Terms

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Available from Leave Earned: The leave balance that an employee can utilize based on their rollover balance plus leave earned (for the current leave year) minus any leave taken and pay in lieu plus booked leave.

Calendar Setup: The configuration of leave-related processes and policies based on the organization's calendar, including workdays, holidays, and weekends.

Compensatory Time Off: Additional time off provided to an employee as compensation for working extra hours or outside regular working hours.

Cumulative/Vacation Leave Rules: Leave that can be carried over from one leave year to another, accumulating over time. Override rules are set up here for those defined at the generic leave type level.

Calendar Setup: The configuration of leave-related processes and policies based on the organization's calendar, including workdays, holidays, and weekends.

Compensatory Time Off: Additional time off provided to an employee as compensation for working extra hours or outside regular working hours.

Cumulative/Vacation Leave Rules: Leave that can be carried over from one leave year to another, accumulating over time. Override rules are set up here for those defined at the generic leave type level.

Employee Off Days: Days when an employee is not scheduled to work. This is used to calculate the shift employee's return date.

Employee On Days: Days when an employee is scheduled to work. This is used to calculate the shift employee's return date. 

Entitled to Earn: The total leave days that an employee is entitled to earn in the current leave year, for a specific type of leave.

Late Records: Documentation of instances when an employee arrives late to work.

Leave Booked or Approved: Leave that has been formally requested and approved by the appropriate authority.

Leave Calendar: A visual representation of employees' planned leave, showing who is on leave and when. Normally used by managers to ensure adequate department coverage before approving leave requests.

Leave Earned at Rollover: Leave days that are earned but not utilized by the end of a leave year and are carried over to the next leave year.

Leave Earned this Year: The total leave days earned by an employee in the current calendar year.

Leave Entitlements: The allocated number of leave days an employee is eligible to take based on various factors and rules.

Leave History: A record of an employee's previous leave requests, approvals, and taken leave.

Leave Not Earned: Leave days that cannot be earned for a specific leave type while the employee is on another type of leave.

Leave Not Earned Rules: Policies that outline when and how leave can be taken even if it hasn't been earned yet.

Leave Overrides: Special permissions or adjustment rules made for specific employees or scenarios and used to override the rules set for all other employees.

Leave Reset Interval: The frequency at which leave balances are reset so that the employee can see what they have earned either on a daily, annual, calendar month, or anniversary month basis.

Leave Rules: Policies and guidelines governing how leave is requested, earned, approved, and managed.

Leave Taken: The number of leave days an employee has utilized.

Leave Transactions: Records of all leave-related actions, including requests, approvals, and adjustments.

Leave Type Payment Rules: Guidelines for paying out certain types of leave. E.g. the number of days to be paid at full or half.

Leave Types: Categories of leave, such as annual leave, sick leave, maternity leave, etc.

Limit Accumulation per Year: Maximum allowable leave days an employee can accumulate in a single year.

Non-Cumulative/Non-Vacation Leave Rules: Leave that does not carry over from one year to another and which is not earned but an entitlement for the employee. Override rules are set up here for those defined at the generic leave type level.

Opening Balances: The initial leave balances an employee has at the start of a leave year.

Pay in Lieu of Leave: Providing monetary compensation to employees in place of taking accrued leave.

Post Leave Type Against Another: Using one type of leave to offset another, based on organization policies.

Projected Leave Entitlements: Anticipated leave balances based on scheduled leave and future accruals.

Recalculate Leave: A tool used to recalculate leave balances or entitlements after adjustments have been made to the application.

Reset Leave Date: The frequency at which leave balances are reset, often at the start of a new leave year.

Return Date Parameters: Rules used to calculate an employee's return date after a leave period.

Rollover Balance: The leave balance carried over from the previous leave year.

Scheduler: A tool used to automatically recalculate employee leave daily, post leave transactions daily, and generate a yearly calendar on the application.

Self-Service Leave Requests: A system allowing employees to request leave directly through an HRIS system where HR can then approve these requests as required.

Total Balance: The current combined leave balance for an employee.

Vacation Rules: Policies governing the use and approval of vacation-related leave.

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