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How do I Set Up the Scheduler?

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Navigation Leave>> Leave Setup>> Scheduler


The Scheduler allows you to setup tasks to be processed automatically. Within the Leave Module, there are three (3) options that can be managed within the Scheduler:

  1. The Leave Calendar - the creation of the calendar once per year; 
  2. The Automatic Posting of Leave - – automatic posting of leave entries.
  3. Managing Leave Entitlements - – processing/recalculation of leave entitlements of any leave type, based on the data set up .

Scheduler Task Options

Schedule the Leave Calendar

The Leave Calendar

Scheduling the Leave Calendar setup allows for the application to automatically create the Calendar each year so you do not have to manually do this task.

The Scheduler performs this Task once yearly. On the specified start date, the Scheduler checks for an existing calendar, and, if one already exists, the Scheduler does nothing. If a Calendar has not been set up, then the Scheduler performs the task.

In the Scheduler tab, click on the Schedule New Task hyperlink.

  • From the drop-box, select the Task as Leave Calendar.
  • Select the Start Date. (the date the Scheduler will begin processing the task). Select the End Date (the date the Scheduler will stop processing the task – if you leave the field blank, the Scheduler will process the task indefinitely).
  • Next,  select ‘Yes’ if you wish the application to flag the holidays that you would have set up for the previous year. Note, selecting ‘Yes’ does not hinder you from manually making changes to the dates of Holidays in the Calendar.
  • Finally, the status must be set as Active in order for the task to run annually.
  • Use the diskette icon to save the record.

Schedule the Automatic Posting of Leave

Automatic Posting of Leave

This function allows the application to automatically post Leave Taken once an employee returns from Leave. Note, this works in conjunction with the parameters defined when setting up the Leave Type i.e. the Automatically Post Leave Entries field must be flagged as ‘Yes’.

The task is run once per day between the start and end dates. If no end date is specified the task will run indefinitely.

All leave entries that are automatically posted must meet the following criteria and will be posted when the task runs:

  1. Be Approved;
  2. Be Unposted;
  3. Have a return date on or before the date the task is being run;
  4. Must have a leave type with Automatically Post Leave Entries set to Yes;
  5. Must have a leave type with Use Leave Type in Entitlement Calculation set to Yes.

In the Scheduler tab, click on the Schedule New Task hyperlink.

  • From the drop-box, select the Task as Select the Automatic Posting of Leave.
  • Select the Start Date. (the date the Scheduler will begin processing the task). Select the End Date (the date the Scheduler will stop processing the task – if you leave the field blank, the Scheduler will process the task indefinitely).
  • Next, flag the status as Active.
  • Once a Leave Transaction is automatically posted, you will receive a notification in your Messages inbox.

Manage Leave Entitlements Task

Manage Leave Entitlements

Scheduling the Management of Leave Entitlements allows the application to calculate Leave Entitlements for individual  Leave Types according to the Parameters you would have indicated when setting them up.

To enable the calculation/recalculation of Leave Types, this can be done: 

1. Manually – use the Leave Transactions>>Recalculate Leave Balances option to calculate/recalculate leave balances by specifying the required data. The leave balances/entitlements will be calculated/recalculated once the Calendar (Leave Setup>>Calendar) is set up and if EITHER one of the following conditions exists:

  1. Leave types are set up (Leave Setup>>Leave Types).
  2. Leave rules are defined (Leave Setup>>Vacation Rules/Non Vacation Rules).
  3. Leave is taken (Leave Transactions>>Leave Taken). 

2. Automatically – via the Scheduler as shown below.



The Scheduler performs the Leave Entitlements tasks daily by simultaneously:

  1. Checking for a Leave Type Task - if there are no Leave Type Tasks or the tasks are defined as Inactive, the Scheduler does nothing. If leave type tasks are available or Active, the Scheduler performs the Task(s).
  2. Checking for the following setup items and rules for each leave type:
    1. Employees whose vacation leave entitlements were set up via the Leave Overrides options and calculates those individual entitlements;
    2. The Scheduler then checks the Vacation Leave Rules for vacation leave rules and the Non Vacation Leave Rules for other leave rules and then sets entitlements for employees by executing the rules in the following order of priority:
      1. Employee Status Rules
      2. Salary Grade and Employee Status Rules
      3. Salary Grade Rules
      4. Job and Employee Status Rules
      5. Job Rules
      6. Pay group and Employee Status rules
      7. Pay Group Rules
      8. Rules not linked to employee status, or job group or pay group, or salary grade

In all instances, the Scheduler calculates the Leave Entitlements for those employees fulfilling each criterion.

For employees who do not fulfill any of the above criteria, leave entitlements are set up using the default amount in Leave Types if the Use Leave Type Default flag is defined as Yes. The user must ensure that those employees for whom entitlements should be calculated are included (based on the criteria defined) in either

  1. Vacation Leave Rules
  2. NonVacation Leave Rules
  3. Leave Overrides or
  4. Leave Types.

In the event that an employee appears to be eligible for more than one rule, the Scheduler will set entitlements based on the first rule for which that employee is eligible.

3. Checking to determine employees who are eligible to have leave entitlements updated: All non-terminated employees are eligible.

4. Running the Leave Accumulation on the Scheduler: The task that is to “accumulate” leave runs once a day. It “accumulates” leave for a given leave type that is specified by the user. When the task runs, all non-terminated employees are selected for calculation. However, this calculation may be done in one of two ways:

  1. If the employee has a leave master record for the leave type that has a valid last update date, the calculation is done from the start of the leave year in which that date falls, with consideration to any starting balance to the present.
  2. However, if the employee does not have a master record for the leave type that has a valid last update date, a full recalculation is done.


Schedule the Manage Leave Types Task

In the Scheduler tab, click on the Schedule New Task hyperlink.

  • From the drop-box, select the Task as Manage Leave Entitlements. You will notice that the pop-up window changes and there are more fields within which data can be entered.
  • Task Name: Give the Task a Name (that corresponds to the Leave Type for which you are setting up the Management of Entitlements)
  • Select the Start Date. (the date the Scheduler will begin processing the task). Select the End Date (the date the Scheduler will stop processing the task – if you leave the field blank, the Scheduler will process the task indefinitely).
  • Next,  select  the Leave Type to be managed and the Company Name.
  • Flag the Status as Active or Inactive.
  • Enter the name of the user to which results of the recalculation of that Leave Type should be emailed. Note that the application automatically displays the name of the user that is currently logged on.
  • Select Yes or No if you wish the system to email the results of processing leave for each employee to the stated user.
  • Use the diskette icon to save the record.
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