Help SiteBenefitsLeaveLeave Overrides How To Set Up Leave Overrides For Vacation And Other Cumulative Rules

How To Set Up Leave Overrides For Vacation And Other Cumulative Rules

Navigation: Leave>> Leave Overrides>> Vacation and Other Cumulative Leave Rules

Click on New Vacation/ Cumulative Leave Rule and add the employee’s details as well as his/her special entitlement details.

When the Scheduler is performing the Manage Leave Entitlement task, it will first check for Override records in relation to any Vacation or Other Cumulative Leave Rules set up. If Override records exist, the application will use them in calculating Leave Entitlements. If there are no Override records, then the general Vacation or Other Cumulative Leave Rules will apply.

In both instances, the employee must meet the criteria (Years of Service) for either the Override rules or the general Vacation or Other Cumulative Leave Rules to be applied.


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