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Step 7: Auto-Escalate Workflow Stages

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System Configurations>>Workflow>>Workflow Definition>>[+]>>Workflow Stages>>[Select Record]


The Auto Escalate option enables the system to automatically advance a workflow stage, ensuring that records don't get stuck or delayed at any point. For example, if an approver is unable or takes too long to approve or reject a record, the system will automatically move the request to the next person in the workflow.

The Auto Escalate option:

  • MUST be turned on by the user, as, by default, the option is set to No.
  • Should ALWAYS be set to NO at:
    • Stage 1 as this is the data entry stage or record creation stage -  the record has not yet gone anywhere and therefore CANNOT be escalated.
    • The Final Stage of the workflow as this is the last stage and therefore CANNOT be escalated.
  • Can be set to Yes at Stage 2 and onwards if required.

The Auto-Escalate option MUST be set to No for the two (2) Workflow Stages when Reporting Relationships are used.


Auto Escalate Action:  the options for selection are:

  • GO TO NEXT STAGE:  the record will move to the next stage in the workflow.
  • REJECT AND STOP WORKFLOW:  the record will be disallowed and stopped.  
  • UPDATE MODULE:  the record will be posted and HR Transactions updated.

Auto Escalate After (Days):  the number of days after which the record should be automatically moved forward.

Void After (Tries):  the number of attempts after which the record can be cleared or invalidated if escalation fails.


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