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Step 5: Set up Workflow Stages

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System Configurations>>Workflow>>Workflow Definitions>>[+]>>Workflow Stages

Workflow Stages

The stages of the workflow dictate how transactions move from one person to the next in the approval process.

Stages are sequentially numbered, starting at 1. While you can set up as many stages as needed, a minimum of two stages is required to ensure the process functions correctly.

You MUST set up Stage 1 and Stage 2 for workflows that ONLY use Reporting Relationships.

Set up Stage 1 of the Workflow

Set up Stage 2 of the Workflow

  1. Stage No.:  the system will automatically display each Stage number, starting with 1 and continuing in a sequential number for all the stages of the workflow.  This cannot be edited.  
  2. Process:  select the workflow process from the drop-down. These processes were set up in Step 1.  Step 1:  Set up Workflow Processes
    • At Stage 1 - the data entry stage or initialization stage - the workflow process to ENTER a record - ENTER STAFF REQUEST - should ALWAYS and ONLY be selected.
    • At Stage 2 - the workflow process to APPROVE a record - APPROVE STAFF REQUEST - should be selected for this stage and any other stage thereafter as it can be used more than once.  The workflow supports an unlimited number of approvals.
    • At the Final Stage, the workflow process to POST a record - POST STAFF REQUEST - should ALWAYS and ONLY be selected.
  3. Form:  The following are the two (2) default letters displayed in the drop-down list.  You can select either one at any Stage in the workflow:
    • Staff Request Approval Form:  the form on which the employee’s transaction is approved/rejected/voided.
    • Staff Request Approval Detailed Form with Letter:  the form on which the employee’s transaction is approved/rejected/voided in addition to the system-generated letter.  If this option is chosen and a template has been set up via Recruitment>>Letters>>Templates,  the system will automatically generate the letter and save it in employee documents (Personnel>>Employees>>Toggle Additional Details>>Documents).  How to Create Letter Templates for Job Applicants


The setup of Workflow Stages is broken up into multiple articles (Steps 6 to 8), each describing the fields/components on the Workflow Stages screen as follows:

Previous Article Step 4: Define Workflow Roles
Next Article Step 6: Use Roles for Workflow Stages
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