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How to generate Pay Cycles in the HRplus Time Module

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Powerpay >> Pay Cycles >> Generate Pay Cycles

HRplus Time>>Setup>>Pay Cycles>>Generate Pay Cycles

Steps to create pay cycles:

  1. Create you Calendar for the active year(s)
  2. Create Pay Group
  3. Generate Pay Cycles

Pay Cycles

A pay cycle determines how often a payroll is run and the specific days that workers are paid on. Pay cycles are essentially the length of time between payrolls.

On HRPlus, pay cycles must be generated for every payroll year.

Pay Year: The pay year entered here depends on when is the first month of the pay year . E.g. The pay year may be not follow the calendar year and may start from April to March. So if the current date is March 1st 2022 and the implementation plan is to run parallels for February and March 2022, then this means that the pay year is 2021 ( April 2021-March 2022 = Pay Year 2021). The 2022 pay year will not start until April 1st 2022.

Pay Group: Select the pay group you wish to generate Pay Cycles for.

Cycle Month Determined by: If a weekly pay cycle crosses over from March to April and the option you have selected is Cycle Start, then the payroll costs will be allocated to the month of March. If you selected Cycle End, then the cost will be allocated to the month of April.

  • Cycle Start - If your pay cycle dates cross over from one month to another, and this option is selected then the payroll costs will be allocated to the month that coincides with the start date of the pay cycle.
  • Cycle End - If your pay cycle dates cross over from one month to another, and this option is selected then the payroll costs will be allocated to the month that coincides with the end date of the pay cycle.
  • Pay Date - If your pay cycle dates cross over from one month to another, and this option is selected then the payroll costs will be allocated to the month that coincides with the pay date of the pay cycle.

Max Existing Cycle: If you are now setting up a pay group within the pay year and cycles have already been run, the Max Existing Cycle will show the cycle number from which the payroll starts running on HRPlus. You are not allowed to edit this.


First Cycle No: displays the number of the first cycle to be generated. If you have not generated any cycle for this pay group for the pay year, then it defaults to 1. You are not allowed to edit.

Start Date - Enter the date the the first cycle being generated starts from. If this is your  first cycle being generated for the year for a monthly pay group, then you would enter the 1st January, 20XX.

End Date - the system automatically, enters the end  date based on the pay group selected. If you have entered a monthly pay group, as in the screen above, you will notice that the end date is 31st January 2018.

Pay Date - you may enter the date on which employees belonging to your selected pay group will be paid. In our example above, the Banda Furnishing Month Test pay group which is a monthly pay group, ought to be paid on the 25th January, 2018.


Last Cycle No - the system will display the Last Cycle No. based on the pay group:

  • Monthly Pay Group, the Last Cycle No is 12
  • Bi-Monthly Pay Group, Last Cycle No is 24
  • Weekly Pay Group, Last Cycle No is 52 or 53
  • Fortnightly Pay Group, the Last Cycle No is 26 or 27


Click on 'Submit' to generate the pay cycle. You will receive a message pop up asking you to confirm or cancel. Click on 'Ok' to continue.

You will receive another message pop up "Successfully generated pay cycles"

View Pay Cycles

To view the cycles generated for the selected pay group, click on the Pay Cycles Tab (HRplus Time>>Setup>>Pay Cycle>>Pay Cycle.

Select the Pay group and Pay Year you wish to view and click on 'Submit'

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