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How to setup Constants?

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These constants are company-specific and reflect how the system will treat with the time and attendance system and its integration to both the payroll and leave modules.

Insert/edit/delete/view general settings that need to be set up (once only) in order for the Time and Attendance module to process time and attendance data efficiently and accurately.

Setup Constants for your Company

Company: Select the company from the search bar above and click 'Search'. Once the company has been selected above, the name will be defaulted to appear here. You may then start to configure the constants for the selected company.

Default Shift Code: Always select N/A. Generally, specific shifts are setup and persons are rostered on their shifts. Therefore, in such an instance a default shift is not used.

No of Blank lines on Employee Actual Project Hours Screen: There may be some employees who are not punching in using any of the clock options OR it may be a scenario where a new employee has started and they were not enrolled on a clock until a few days into their employment. This means that the employee's attendance times will not be automatically generated on the timesheets screen, but it may be captured on a manual attendance sign in log.

If these persons must still have time sheets prepared in HRplus for payment or attendance purposes, then in order for manual timesheet records to be entered for these persons, blank rows are required. Enter 10 rows as the default option to be created on the timesheet screen.

No of Blank lines on Employee Actual Project Hours Screen: Leave Blank.

HRplus Time can also be used to track and pay the time worked as it relates to a specific project. If the T&A module is not being linked to projects then this can be left blank.

Post Timesheets to Cycle Changes? : If this option is flagged as YES, then this means that at the end of the timekeeping process, the timesheets will be posted to the payroll cycle changes screen to pay the employees. If any employees at all are being paid from the T&A module, then you must flag this as YES.

If the Time and Attendance module is strictly being setup for timekeeping purposes and NOT to pay employees, then this should be flagged as NO.

Post Straight Time Timesheets to Cycle Changes for Monthly Employees? : If Monthly paid employees (in this case we are referring to non-salaried Monthly paid employees, if applicable) are going to be paid their Straight Time from the Time and Attendance module, then flag YES. This means that approved employee timesheets will ultimately be posted to the cycle changes window in the payroll to pay the employees their Straight Time.

If non-salaried Monthly paid employees are NOT going to be paid their straight time from the Time and Attendance module, then flag NO.

Post Overtime Timesheets to Cycle Changes for Monthly Employees? : If Monthly  paid employees (salaried or non-salaried) are eligible for overtime and this is going to be paid from the Time and Attendance module, then flag YES. This means that approved employee timesheets will ultimately be posted to the cycle changes window in the payroll to pay the employees their Overtime.

If Overtime is NOT going to be paid for Monthly employees ( salaried OR non-salaried) from the Time and Attendance module, then flag NO.

Post Timesheets to Employee Actual Project Hours Screen by Cycle?:  Select No if the project feature is not being used.  Otherwise, select YES.

Post Actual Project Hours to Cycle Changes? : Select No if the project feature is not being used.  Otherwise, select YES.

Post Straight Time Actual Project Hours to cycle Changes for Monthly Employees? : Select No if the project feature is not being used.  Otherwise, select YES.

Post Overtime Actual Project Hours to Cycle Changes for Monthly Employees? : Select No if the project feature is not being used.  Otherwise, select YES.

Post Timesheets to Employee Actual Project hours Screen by Day? : Select No if the project feature is not being used.  Otherwise, select YES.

Post Lateness to Leave Module? : When timesheets are generated for an employee, late records are automatically generated if the employee is in fact late for his/her shift. If the employee punctuality records are to be automatically updated/integrated to the Leave module as well, then flag YES.

Otherwise, flag NO.

Post Absenteeism to leave module? : When timesheets are generated for an employee,  absent records or leave taken records are automatically generated if the employee is in fact absent for his/her shift. If the employee absenteeism records are to be automatically updated/integrated to the Leave module as well, then flag YES.

Otherwise, flag NO.

Post Absenteeism from which schedule? : Absenteeism can either be posted from the shift or project schedule.

Project: Flag this option if the project feature is being used. Otherwise, do not flag.

Shift: Flag this option if absenteeism is to be posted from the Shift Schedule. This is the default option.

Use Actual for Lateness: This flag determines if an employee's punch time (actual punch or punch adjusted for grace rules) is used when generating Punctuality records ONLY. 

If flagged as YES: If a grace period is setup for the employee's shift and the employee punches in late for work but within the grace period, a late record of the ACTUAL time that the employee punches in for work will still be generated in the punctuality record screen to log a record of the employee's arrival and departure time from work. This means that grace is NOT taken into consideration. The late records are available for management to generate summary reports and determine if there is any pattern as it pertains to lateness.

Note however, the employee is NOT penalized for lateness when the hours worked are being calculated and approved for payment. The hours worked will take into consideration any grace rules configured when setting up the shift and will NOT be calculated based on actual punch times.

If flagged as NO: If a grace period is setup for the employee's shift and the employee punches in late for work but within the grace period, a late record of the employee punch time ADJUSTED FOR GRACE RULES is what will be generated in the punctuality record screen to log a record of the employee's arrival and departure time from work. This means that grace IS taken into consideration. Employee late records (adjusted for grace period) are available for management to generate summary reports and determine if there is any pattern as it pertains to lateness.

Note however ( just as in the scenario where the flag is set to YES), the employee is NOT penalized for lateness when the hours worked are being calculated and approved for payment. The hours worked will take into consideration any grace rules configured when setting up the shift and will NOT be calculated based on actual punch times.

Use Standard Leave Shift:

Use standard leave shift: If all employees are scheduled on ONE standard shift, and the employee's punctuality is based on rules linked to this standard shift, then flag this option.

Use Scheduled shift: If all employees are going to be scheduled on different shifts based on that which they are actually working on any particular day, and the employee's punctuality is based on rules linked to this scheduled shift, then flag this option.

Use Job Rates:

Use Job Rates: If the client organization is one in which the employees can work in more than one job on any given day, and they must be paid based on the rate of that job or the higher job rate, then this must be flagged as Use Job Rates. Otherwise, flag Do not use job rates.

Note that if this option is flagged, then the employee has to be scheduled on two shifts for that day, with each shift linked to the respective job.

Note that employees working in different jobs is different from an employee acting in a position.

Use Higher Job Rates: Flag this option if Job Rates ARE being used and ANY of the criteria below apply:

  • The employee is working in a job that day which has a lower rate than that of their normal job but they must ALWAYS be paid at the higher job rate.
  • The employee is working in a job that day which has a higher rate that their substantive job, and they are to be paid at this higher rate.
  • The company or union rules dictate that the employee is ALWAYS to be paid at the higher job rate between their substantive job and their second job.

Do not use job rates: If the client organization is one in which the employee works at one standard rate, regardless of the job that they are doing on that day, then flag this option.

Standard Leave Shift Code: If the Standard leave shift option was flagged above, then link the Standard Leave Shift which is to be referenced here. This shift will be used to determine ALL employee lateness and NOT the actual shift that they are scheduled on for any given day.

Max Hours Approvable (No Max = 0): Enter the maximum hours that can be approved for time worked on all jobs. If there is no maximum, then leave the value set at zero (0).

Max Absent Hours Approvable (No Max = 0): Enter the maximum number of hours that can be approved for an absent timesheet. If there is no maximum, then leave the value set at zero (0).

Max Approvable Hours Bypass: If a maximum value for Approvable hours has been set (other than zero) and there are jobs for which there is no maximum, then click on the bypass option to enter the respective jobs which are an exception to the two rules above.


Click on the diskette to save the record when completed.

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