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How to Add an employee to a Schedule?

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HRplus Time >> Schedules >> Scheduling >> Schedules >> Employee in Schedule >> Add Employee Schedule

Prior to adding an employee to a schedule, please ensure that the the Employee Mapping is completed otherwise the employee's name will not be visible to be added.


Add Employee Schedules

For an employee to be assigned a shift, they must first be added to a schedule.


N.B. If an error message is generated when saving the employees to the schedule, it may indicate that the employee already belongs to another schedule ( and possibly a shift) for at least one of the days selected. There are several options to resolve this as follows:

  1. Remove the employee from their shift.
  2.  Remove the employee from their existing schedule.
  3. Transfer the employee to the correct schedule. 
  • (Note that the timekeeper must have access to the schedule(s) from/to which the employee is being transferred. If the timekeeper does not have access, then this task will have to be completed by the HRplus Time Core User.)

Step 1: Select the Schedule to Add the Employee

Schedule: Select the name of the schedule from the drop down box.

Hide Employees Scheduled Before: Select the date from the calendar which  would hide any employees who were added to the schedule before that date. This date should be the date before the "Schedule From Date". 

Company: Select the Company from which the employees will be added to the schedule. Once the company is selected the option is available to then select the Division, Department, Section to filter the search as needed. 

Schedule From Date: Select the calendar to Enter the date from which the employees will be added to the schedule.

N.B. The Employee Last Saved Date at the top right can be used as a gauge to determine the next date from which the employee should be added to the schedule.

Schedule to Date: Select the calendar to Enter the date until which the employees will be added to the schedule.

Employees Not In Schedule: Select CTRL + click to select the employees who will be assigned to the schedule. Once all relevant names are highlighted, click on the >> arrows to move them to the list on the right named "Employees in Schedule". If a name(s) is selected in error, simply select the name(s) in the Employees in Schedule box and click the << icon to return the name(s) to the list on the left. 

When all employees have been selected to be added to the schedule, select the button named Save Form to add the employees.

Repeat to add more employees to the same or additional scheduled.

Step 2: View of Employees Added to the Schedule. Select Save Form.

Step 3: Success Message Appears When the Record is Saved

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