Talent Management>>Training>>Setup>>Reject Reasons
Reject Reasons
Training reject reasons are explanations or justifications provided when a training request or application is denied or rejected by an organization or training provider. These reasons help clarify why a particular training request was not approved or why an individual was not allowed to participate in a training program. Common training reject reasons include:
- Lack of budget
- Low Enrollment
- Schedule Conflicts
- Training Program Cancellation
- Exceeding Capacity
- Resource Constraints
These reject reasons serve to ensure that training resources are allocated wisely and that training programs align with organizational goals and individual development needs. Effective communication of these reasons is crucial for transparency and understanding between the organization and the participants or requestors.
How does it work?
These are the user defined reasons for which you can reject a person from entering a course. Note that either the employee's manager or the person who manages the Training Module( referred to as the Training Staff during the setup) can only reject persons who enrolled for or requested a course via the Self-Service module
Enter the new Reject Reason
Reject Reason Code: Enter an acronym for the Reject Reason Description
Reject Reason Description: Enter the reason for the training request being rejected.
Save the record and repeat to enter additional records.
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