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How to set up Rating Codes?

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Rating Standards

Training rating standards and points are used to assess and evaluate the quality and effectiveness of training programs. These standards are typically established by organizations, training providers, or educational institutions to ensure consistency in evaluating training outcomes. Rating points or scales are assigned to specific criteria to quantify the quality of the training.  Here's an example of training rating standards and points:

Training Effectiveness Rating Standards:

Overall Effectiveness (Rating Scale: 1-5)

  • 5: Highly Effective - Training exceeded expectations and significantly improved skills or knowledge.
  • 4: Very Effective - Training was highly beneficial and had a substantial impact on skills or knowledge.
  • 3: Effective - Training met expectations and improved skills or knowledge as expected.
  • 2: Somewhat Effective - Training had some positive impact but fell short of expectations.
  • 1: Ineffective - Training did not meet expectations and had little to no impact on skills or knowledge.

How does it work?

User defined rating standards and corresponding points must be set up here to allow the Course Provider or Course institutions to be rated. Ratings can be given by:

  1. The Training Manager who can rank the agency that is providing the course based on factors such as accreditation, quality on content in the courses delivered, course delivery, etc.
  2. The Employee/Trainee can provide an overall rating of the course.

Step 1: Enter the Rating Standards and Points

Rating Scale

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