Talent Management>>Training>>Training Request>>By Gap Analysis
Training Request by Job Gap Analysis
A Job Gap Analysis maps an employee’s current Competency Level against the Competency Level defined by the company that is deemed optimum for the efficient and effective execution of tasks to meet assigned Goals.
A Gap Analysis can be done By Employee or By Job.
Once a Gap is identified, Training Requests can be generated.
Managers or HR can initiate these requests.
Step 1: Get Employees Missing Selected Competencies / Certificates / Qualifications
Using the drop-boxes, select the Company, Department and Job for which you want to do the Gap Analysis.
Next, highlight the Competency in question (note that this Analysis can also be done using Certificates or Qualifications)
Finally, click the ‘Get Employees Missing Selected Competencies/Certificates/Qualifications…’ button.
Step 3: Select Employees and Send Training Request
Upon placing a check-mark in the ‘Inform’ box, the ‘Send to Manager’ button will activate. By clicking on this button, a Training Request will be sent to the Employee’s Manager for approval.
Note: This DOES NOT mean that the employees are enrolled on the training.
Once it was successfully sent the screen will say Awaiting Approval
Step 4: Manager Views the Training Request Notification
The Manager will get a notification via email as well as the notification tab
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