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How to setup Training Types?

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Training Types

This refers to the different categories or classifications of training programs available to employees provided by either internal or external training agencies. Here are some common types of training:

  1. On-the-Job Training  (OJT): This type of training occurs while an employee is performing their regular job tasks. It's often informal and involves learning by doing.
  2. Orientation Training: Provided to new employees to familiarize them with the organization, its culture, policies, and procedures. 
  3. Technical Training: Focuses on developing specific technical skills or expertise related to a particular job or industry. For example, software training for IT professionals.

  4. Safety Training: Aims to educate employees on workplace safety practices, including emergency procedures, hazard recognition, and accident prevention.

  5. Leadership and Management Training: Designed to enhance the leadership and management skills of individuals in supervisory or managerial roles.

  6. Soft Skills Training: Focuses on developing interpersonal skills like communication, teamwork, leadership, and problem-solving.

Step 1: Enter a New Training Type

Training Type Code: Enter a 5 digit acronym for the training description.

Training Type Description: Enter the training type name/description.


Click on the diskette to save the record and repeat tot enter additional records.


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