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How to set up Goal Details

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User Self Service>>Manager>>Talent>>Goals>>Goals>>[New Goal]>>Goal Details

Goal Details

Managers can directly set goals for their employees, either during collaborative discussions that consider KPIs and other relevant factors or by proactively setting up goals in advance. These goals can then be reviewed at the start of the goal year or financial period.

Additionally, managers can use the Goal Wizards via User Self Service >> Manager >> Talent >> Goals >> Goal Wizards to input goal details efficiently.

Set Up Goal Details

Goal Perspective:  In line with the Balanced Scorecard approach, select the perspective that best fits the goal. The Goal Perspective helps categorize and differentiate goals, ensuring alignment with strategic objectives.

Level: The hierarchical organisation level will be displayed: Company, Division, Department, Section, Employee. If the goal is being set by the manager, they should select the level rank as "Employee," indicating that the goal is being assigned directly to the employee.

Job: select the job to which the goal applies. Only employees holding the selected job can be assigned this goal.

From Job Goals

  • Check this box if you wish to select goals for the selected job that were previously set up  via Personnel>>Setup>>Organisation>>Structure>>Jobs>>[expand record]>>Job Goals. These job goals will be displayed for selection via the Goal Name drop-down list. If the Job Goals box is not checked, then the Goal Name drop-down list will only display goals from the Goals module.

Goal Name: Enter a custom name for the goal, or select and modify an existing goal from the drop-down list as needed.

Goal Specification: Enter the detailed description of the goal, ensuring it follows the SMART criteria (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound) for clarity and effective tracking.

Year: Select the financial year to which the goal applies. The Start and End Dates of the selected year will be displayed, and you may adjust them if needed, ensuring the dates remain within the previously defined financial year (Goal Setup >> Financial Year).

Repeatable: Check this box if you wish to duplicate the goal in the future. For example, if a goal is not completed, you can duplicate it and adjust the dates to extend its validity. Only goals marked as Repeatable will be available for duplication when selecting goals to be reused.

Goal Weight: Enter a user-defined numeric value to represent the importance of the goal to the company. If the Appraisals module is being used, this value will contribute to the employee's overall score.

The total weight within each Goal Perspective should sum to 100%. For an employee's overall goal weight across all perspectives, the total can also sum to 100%, meaning the weights from each perspective are adjusted based on their significance to the organization. This ensures the overall performance score reflects a balanced evaluation of the employee's contributions across various perspectives.

Goal Type: Select the category that best fits the goal: Company Culture, Job Responsibility, Mission, or Random Challenge.

Goal Status: Choose the appropriate status for the goal: Active, Inactive, Cancelled, Completed, or Suspended. Only Active goals can be edited.


Next, complete the Goal Assignment Details.


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