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How to Adjust the Times on a Timesheet?

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User Self Service >> Timekeeper >> Timesheets >> Current

Adjusting Time

The adjustment of employee punch times are automatic based on the Rounding Rules and other business rules setup in HRplus which are specific to each organization. These rules can deduct late minutes and a lunch period automatically from the hours paid.

Should three be a discrepancy with the hours, the adjusted punch times can be manually edited by the Timekeeper, which will change the number of hours to be paid.

Examples of How the Times May be Adjusted:

N.B. This process will be different for each Company based on specific business rules which have been set up on HRplus.

Example 1 (Shown below with pictures) :

  • If the rules set up have allowed for one (1) hour for lunch to be deducted and a 10 minute grace at the start of a shift.
    • In the scenario where an employee works a 9:00 am to 5:00 pm shift and punches IN for work at out for that shift at 9:07 am, the time that appears:
      • In the Actual Time = 9:07 am
      • In the Adjusted Time = 9:00 am
      • The Adjusted Time is automatically rounded back to the start of the shift, based on rules set up. This is the time that the employee is paid from, therefore they are not penalized for being late. Note that the total hours shown will show all hours to be paid.shows as 9:00 am and this is the  it is up to your discretion if you wish to pay him/her for 7 hours and 47 minutes (as will be shown in the Total Hours field) or if you wish to pay the full 8 hours. Adjust the out time to 6:00 pm should you decide to pay the full 8 hours.

Example 2:

  • If the rules set up have allowed for one (1) hour for lunch to be deducted and no grace at the end of a shift.
    • In the scenario where an employee works a 9:00 am to 5:00 pm shift and punches OUT for work at out for that shift at 4:55 pm, the time that appears:
      • In the Actual Time = 4:55 pm
      • In the Adjusted Time = 4:55 pm
      • There is no rounding in the Adjusted Time as no grace was set up for this shift. This means that 5 minutes will be deducted from the employee's hours to be paid for that day.
      • Note that the Timekeeper ALWAYS has the option to adjust the times on the timesheet and override the rules set up. E.g. The Adjusted Time out can be changed to 5:00 pm so that the employee is paid for the full 8 hrs of work. By editing the time, the employee hours will be changed to reflect the time the supervisor/timekeeper want to pay for that day.
      • Note that the Actual Time will always show the unedited times for that day.


In a situation where employees have missed a punch/ did not punch for some reason, the Timekeeper will have to manually input a time in the Adjusted Time Field as there must be both and In and and Out time recorded for the hours to be paid to be calculated. This, however, will offset the lunch times so you will need to manually adjust the lunch times as well.

Step 1. View the Timesheet with Times to Adjust

Step 2: Click on the Cell with the Time to be Adjusted

Step 3: Adjust the Time and Select "OK"

Step 4: Notice the Total Hours now includes the Lunch Hour

Step 5: Enter the Lunch Period To be Deducted( if applicable)

Step 6: View the updated Adjusted Times and Total Hours for Payment

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