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How to Create the Appraisal Form

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Talent Management>>HR Events>>Manage Events>>[Select Event]>>[+]>>Temporary>>[Select Employee]>>Send Appraisal Form


Talent Management>>HR Events>>Manage Events>>[Select Event]>>[+]>>Temporary>>Send Appraisal Form to All Employees

Creating the Appraisal Form

In HRplus, the creation of appraisal forms is handled by HR or managers. Appraisal forms can be reviewed and customized by HR or managers before the appraisal process begins. This allows the refining of each appraisal form by adjusting competencies, goals, and responsibilities specific to the employee before sending it for their review.

This flexibility ensures that the appraisal accurately reflects the employee's specific job role and performance areas, allowing for a personalized evaluation process for each staff member. By tailoring the appraisal forms to the individual's responsibilities, managers can assess performance more effectively, making the appraisal process more relevant and targeted to each employee’s contribution and development needs.

Once the forms are generated, both the employee and their direct supervisor can access them to conduct the appraisal. Employees have the ability to agree or disagree with the appraisal feedback, fostering open communication. Managers receive feedback notifications and can complete the appraisal immediately or revisit it later for finalization. All appraisal types—Competencies, Goals, and Primary Responsibilities—are clearly displayed for evaluation, streamlining the appraisal process.

Step 1: Enable/Disable Employee Appraisal Confirmation Option

This feature allows employees to agree/disagree to appraisal feedback. Feedback notifications will also be sent to managers.

System Configurations>>Feature Management>>Employee Appraisals Confirmation Option

HOME>>My Profile>>My Reviews>>Appraisal Details

Note: If enabled, the Employee Appraisals Confirmation Option would not be accessible for selection if any Manager Rating is zero.

Step 2: Edit the Appraisal Form.

The form can be edited to add/delete Competencies, Goals and Primary Responsibilities. The manager can complete the form at this time or may close the form (x out the tab) and come back to do the review at another time:  How do I conduct the Appraisal - as a Manager?

Note: The feature Employee Appraisal Confirmation Option is disabled for this demonstration.

Person Responsible:  This is usually the employee’s direct supervisor - set up via  Personnel>>Position>>Reporting Relationships>>Supervisor for an Employee.  If this field is blank then the appraisal form will only be created for the employee.

Step 3: Send Appraisal Form

Having previously created the Employee Appraisals event, click the Send Appraisal Form button:  How do I set up the Employee Appraisal HR Event?

Step 4: View the Appraisal Form

The system will refresh the Employee Appraisal records to display the employees who were sent their Appraisal Forms under the Normal Unarchived table.  The manager can click this button to display the form and complete the appraisal.

Step 4.1: Manager View of the Appraisal Form

The system will display the appraisal form in a new tab, showing the appraisal types (Competencies, Goals, Primary Responsibilities) you selected:


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