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How do I set Flagged Ratings?

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Appraisals>>Appraisal Setup>>Flagged Ratings

Flagged Ratings

Flagged ratings in an appraisal context refer to performance ratings that have been highlighted, marked, or identified for special attention due to their exceptional or concerning nature. When conducting performance appraisals, managers or evaluators often use a rating scale to assess employees' performance against specific criteria. Sometimes, certain ratings stand out because they are significantly above or below the average or expected performance level. These ratings might indicate exceptional achievements or areas that need improvement that deserve additional consideration.

Flagged ratings can serve several purposes:

1. Recognition and Reward: High-performance ratings that are flagged can signify outstanding achievements and contributions that deserve special recognition or rewards. This could include bonuses, promotions, or other forms of acknowledgment.

2. Developmental Needs: Ratings that fall significantly below expectations can be flagged to indicate areas where an employee requires additional training, support, or resources to improve their performance.

3. Discussion Points: Flagged ratings can guide appraisal discussions between the manager and the employee. Both positive and negative flagged ratings provide focal points for discussing achievements and areas for growth.

4. Calibration and Consistency: In some cases, flagged ratings can help ensure that performance evaluations are calibrated and consistent across the organization. If a rating stands out from the norm, it prompts further examination and discussion to determine its accuracy and fairness.

5. Feedback Focus: Managers might use flagged ratings as a basis for giving more targeted feedback to employees. Positive flagged ratings can reinforce strengths, while negative flagged ratings can highlight specific improvement areas.

6. Decision-Making: In cases where important decisions are tied to performance ratings, such as promotions or terminations, flagged ratings can play a role in influencing those decisions.

It's important to note that the use of flagged ratings should be well-defined and transparent within the organization's performance appraisal process. Proper guidelines and criteria should be established to ensure that flagged ratings are applied fairly and consistently, avoiding biases or misunderstandings.

Enter the Flagged Rating

Company: Select the Company for which the flagged rating is being defined.

Rating: Define the ratings that should be highlighted when the employee has achieved the same Rating (Score) for competencies; the employee record will be highlighted once there is a match between what is flagged here and the score the employee received for the competency.

This can be used to identify high/low scores.

Active/Inactive: Flag Active/Inactive to enable or disable the feature.

Submit the record to save.

N.B. The Highlighted record can be viewed when a Training Request is made against the Competency Attribute.

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